SCITT - Computing - Curriculum
Teacher Training
Teachers work hard to look at best practice in teaching and learning and have shared findings from their research for other schools or practitioners to also benefit from.
Progression in Computing
Adapted from the Durham County Council Progression in computing skills document.
Computer Science
Year 1 & 2
For instance:
Pupils learn to program a basic floor turtle such as a BeeBot to navigate increasingly complex routes and are able to debug their instructions when the turtle does not reach the intended destination
Pupils learn to program an onscreen app such as BeeBot or Kodable to complete a set task and are able to debug their instructions when the turtle does not reach the intended destination
Pupils use a more complex turtle with standard units to navigate increasingly complex routes, and are able to debug their instructions when the turtle does not reach the intended destination
Extension - Pupils learn to use a simple graphical programming language such as Logo, Scratch or Turtle to navigate around the screen
Extension - Pupils create a 3D environment, using a graphical language such as Kodu. They link this to a story such as an island adventure
Pupils learn about some of the uses of the internet
Year 3 & 4
For instance:
Pupils learn to use graphical programming language, such as Scratch or Logo to draw regular 2D shapes. Pupils add loops or procedures to create a repeating pattern
Pupils learn to sequence instructions, for instance to create an animation using Scratch, or by using the timing features in PowerPoint
Pupils write a simple algorithm, for instance to create a basic traffic light sequence. They then use flowcharting software (such as Go or Flowgo) to create a simple program to control an onscreen icon
Extension - Pupils create a simple game using a graphical language such as Kodu or Scratch
Pupils learn to collaborate electronically by blogging
- mailing and working on shared documents using
the pupil sites of the DLG
Year 5 & 6
For instance:
Pupils write a simple algorithm, for instance to create a basic traffic light sequence. They then use flowcharting software (such as Go or Flowgo) to create a simple program to control an onscreen icon. They are able to explain how their program works
Pupils create a computer game, using a graphical language such as Scratch or Kodu
Extension – Pupils learn to use and program a raspberry pi to complete a basic task
Pupils learn to collaborate electronically by blogging
-mailing, and working on shared documents using
the pupil sites of the DLG. This can be extended to
working with other schools
Pupils learn that connected devices exchange
packets of data and this can convey a range of
information from a text to a video call
Digital Literacy
Year 1 & 2
Pupils learn that the Internet is a great place to develop rewarding online relationships and learn to recognise websites that are good for them to visit; but they also learn to be cautious and to check with a trusted adult before sharing private information
Pupils are introduced to the concept that real people send messages to one another on the Internet and learn how messages are sent and received. They recognise that it may be difficult to distinguish between someone who is real and someone who is not.
Pupils are introduced to the basics of online searching
Pupils learn to explore websites and to say whether they like them or not and why.
Year 3 & 4
Pupils learn that the Internet is a great place to develop rewarding online relationships and learn to recognise websites that are good for them to visit; but they also learn to be cautious and to check with a trusted adult before sharing private information
Pupils learn to make good passwords for their accounts, learn about spam and how to deal with it. They begin to understand the implications for the information that they share online and how some websites might use that information without their knowledge
Pupils are introduced to their roles as digital citizens in an online community, where they reflect on how they are responsible not only for themselves but for others, in order to create a safe and comfortable environment
Pupils learn that the Internet is a public space and then develop the skills to protect their privacy and respect the privacy of others
Pupils explore how they interact with others and are introduced to the concept of cyberbullying. They also learn how to communicate to be a responsible member of a connected culture effectively in order to prevent miscommunication
Pupils are introduced to the basics of online searching, including how to use effective keywords. They also learn to conduct searches that provide them with the most helpful and relevant information
Year 5 & 6
Pupils learn that the internet is a great place where online relationships can be developed. They compare and contrast online friends and real life, face to face friends and learn how to respond if an online friend asks them a personal question.
Pupils learn to create secure passwords for their accounts, learn about spam and how to deal with it, and decode website privacy policies, understanding the implications for the info that they share online.
Pupils explore their roles as digital citizens in an online community, where they reflect on their responsibilities and learn that good digital citizens are responsible and respectful in the digital world.
Pupils begin to explore the nature of online audiences and permanency of information online. They begin to understand the significance of published information and personal information.
Pupils understand what it means to be a good digital citizen as they interact with others online by understanding how to prevent and respond to cyberbullying. They also learn how to communicate effectively to prevent miscommunication in order to be a responsible member of a connected culture
Pupils explore issues relating to online searching, including how to use effective keywords, using directories and subject categories, and how to analyse the usefulness and relevancy of the results. They learn to conduct searches that provide them with the most helpful and relevant information
Pupils develop skills for evaluating websites, online information and advertising by rating the trustworthiness and usefulness of websites, and learning to identify the different types of online advertising
Year 1 & 2
Digital Publishing: Pupils learn to use basic word processing package and to write and illustrate a short story
Presentation: Pupils learn to make simple presentations
Graphics: Pupils learn to create a simple digital painting
Animations: Pupils learn to make a simple animation for instance in Puppet Pals
Media: Pupils learn to use digital cameras and microphones for a purpose
Working with data: Pupils learn to create and use a pictogram
Modelling: Pupils explore online simulations such as Charlie Chimp
Year 3 & 4
Digital Publishing: Pupils learn how to use software to create an e-book, brochure or poster on a given subject
Presentations: Pupils learn to write and deliver a presentation on a given subject
Graphics: Pupils learn how to take, adapt or create images to enhance or further develop their work
Animations: Pupils learn how to develop a storyboard and then create a simple animation using for instance ‘Puppet Pals’ or ‘Stop Motions’ Animation’
Sound and video: Pupils record and edit media to create a short sequence
Working with data: Pupils learn to search, sort and graph information
Year 5 & 6
Digital Publishing: Pupils learn how to use software to create an e-book, brochure or poster on a given subject, incorporating a range of media
Presentations: Pupils learn to write and deliver a presentation, incorporating a range of media
Graphics: Pupils learn how to take, adapt or create images to enhance or further develop their work and incorporate it in a wider project
Animations: Pupils learn how to develop a storyboard and then create a simple animation using for instance Puppet pals’ or ‘Stop Motions Animation’ - this may be extended by editing the final product in using video editing software
Sound and video: Pupils record and edit media to create a short sequence - extended by editing the final product in using video editing software
Working with data: Pupils learn to search, sort and graph information
Modelling: Pupils learn how to use a spreadsheet to model data