Home learning for Reception - Wrens

Week Beginning 4th May

Dear Wrens Parents and Children,

Welcome to Week 3 of Term 5. Thank you so much to those of you who have been sharing photos of what you have been up to on Tapestry, we are really enjoying seeing them and being able to communicate with you. 

As in previous weeks you will find a Phonics, English, Maths and Learning Journey lesson or activity that you can do with your child if you wish. You may find some of these need more adult input than others.

Please do not worry if you can't manage all of these but it gives you a few different options in your day. You will notice that each daily session builds on the one before so if for example you miss a day then try to do it the next time you are able to so that the children's learning builds with each activity.

During our day at school we would expect the children to sit on the carpet or work with an adult for short periods of time (aim for 15 minutes) interspersed with them following their own interests and playing in the environment. You may find you would like to structure your day in a similar way with 15 minutes spent on phonics, some time playing independently, 15 minutes of maths before lunch and so on. See what works for you! We know this is a challenging time for everyone. 

If you need any help or support you can get in touch via email, the online live chat and through Tapestry. 

As always: stay safe and well, and most importantly; have fun!

Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Pratt 




Today’s sounds is ‘igh’

Recap with the children that this sound is a ‘trigraph’- it has three letters in it but it only makes one sound. 

Demonstrate some words e.g. ‘high’ ‘light’ ‘tight’

Have a look at how many sounds there are in these words by using a phoneme frame or sound buttons. 

Have a go at writing a sentence e.g. ‘the night is dark not light’ ‘My torch is bright’


You could play this game on Phonics Bloom



You may also like to watch Geraldine the Giraffe learning this sound!

Have a go at reading these words and identifying which are real or made up words. 



Todays sound is ‘ur’

*This is a tricky one as we learn two different ways of making the ur sound in phase three: ‘ur’ and ‘er’.

Remind the children that this ‘ur’ sound is more likely to be in the middle of a word. 

Ask them to have a go writing some words e.g. ‘curl’ ‘burn’ ‘surf’


You could have a go at writing a sentence e.g. ‘The cat has fur’ ‘I went to church’


If you’d like to you may like to try this ‘ur’ spotter story from twinkl:


Ur phoneme spotter.pdf


Today’s sound is ‘ow’.

Ask the child if they can think of any words with that sound in?

Can they have a go writing some words (either on paper or on a phoneme frame- *you may need some 2 and 3 box frames)

E.g. ‘cow’ ‘owl’ ‘town’

Can you choose a word to put into a sentence? You could say it or you could write it.

E.g. ‘I went to town’ ‘The owl is in the tree’


Today’s sound is ‘oi’

Can you time yourself writing the following words: ‘coin’ ‘boil’ ‘soil’ ‘join’ ‘foil’ 

How long did it take you? You could try and beat your time another day!


Can you write a sentence? E.g. ‘I can see the cow on the soil’ ‘I have a coin’



Play on Phonics Play- Pick a Picture. Select phase 3 digraphs to play with.



Bank Holiday :-) 




Use ‘Teach Your monster to read’ (website & app available)

Or: Oxford Owl (free sign up and access to ebooks including Biff & Chip ones)


This week our learning will focus on the book Jim and the Beanstalk by Raymond Briggs. 

Today we are going to listen to the story. If you don't have a copy it is on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMaMNpod3Es

After reading the story, discuss it together and please ask your child some questions to check their understanding and comprehension. Remember  we are practicing asking how and why questions. You could discuss with your child how the story differs from the original Jack and the Beanstalk and how it is similar. 


Please also start to practise writing some of the ‘one armed robot letters’. Today focus on ‘r, b, n’

Remember you must go down first, retrace the line back up and then over.


Practise reading- book & keywords


Retell the story of Jim and the Beanstalk to your parent. To help you use the you tube video with sound turned down so you have the pictures to help you. 

Try to make a story map of Jim and the Beanstalk. A story map guides the children as they orally retell the story. Here are some examples.


Handwriting: Practise writing the letters ‘h, m’

Ensure children are starting the letter in the right place. You can use the letter formation guide to support them. 



Practise reading- book & keywords


Look at this picture from the beginning of the story . What do you think Jim is thinking? Write what he is thinking in a thought bubble. Remember your writing does not have to have perfect spelling - you just need to think of the sounds in the words and try to remember finger spaces.


Practise your reading and keywords. 


Today you are going to look at a couple of pictures from the story of  Jim and the Beanstalk and then write in the speech bubbles what you think the characters are saying. The first picture is of Jim climbing up the beanstalk and the second is of The Giant as he opens the castle door to Jim. 


Jim and the Beanstalk - Speech Bubbles (1).docx


Bank Holiday :-)


Well done to those of you playing on Numbots. Please do remember that this is designed to be played little and often, so just 5 minutes at a time four or five times a week. Each section aims for the children to develop their understanding of the concept before they move on :-)


Today we will have a look at bigger numbers. Google ‘100 splat square’. You should be able to open one from Primary Games or Topmarks (Called paint the squares- open 1-100 grid). Links on the opposite images. 

 Have a look at the numbers- which do the children know? They may be intrigued to name some larger numbers. Have a look at the numbers in the right hand column - 10, 20 etc. What do these numbers all have in common? 

We have looked at 10 and 20 using numberblocks and numicon. We know that a 10 is made up on 10 ‘ones’. When we see the number 10 written it means there is ‘1 ten and zero ones’. 

When we see the number 16 we know this is ‘1 ten and 6 ones’. 

These numbers in the right hand column all go up in 10s, there are 10 more each time. 


Please don’t worry if this is a tricky concept for your child, we are just exploring different ways of counting. Our primary focus in Reception is having a deep understanding of the numbers from 1 to 10 and then up to 20. 

You could focus on recognition of up to 10 and then the tricky teen numbers. 


Use these youtube videos to practise counting in 10s:


Jack Hartmann counting in 10s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd5DBkP9avw

The singing walrus counting in 10s



Have a go at this counting in 10s activity: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-1375-counting-in-10s-cut-and-stick-worksheet


Play with the 100 square we looked at yesterday- look at those counting in 10s numbers again and spot the pattern on the 100 square. 

Can you remember when you practised counting in 2s last week? Can you splat every second number up to 20 to practise? E.g. 2, 4, 6 etc.

Have fun counting with Jack Hartmann again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCxvNtrcDIs 


Perhaps you could collect some pairs of socks from around your house and try counting them in 2s. 

You could have a go at this twinkl worksheet too: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-5518-counting-in-2s-socks-activity-sheet


Counting in 2s song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvTcpfSnOMQ

Counting in 2s.pdf



Today we are going to practise subtraction. 

Can you remember what happens to the number of objects when you subtract some? Does it get bigger or smaller?

Collect a selection of toys to help you with your maths today e.g. teddies/cars/lego bricks. 


Can you make up a subtraction story (Your grown up may need to do one first) 

E.g. There were 8 cars at the garage. 3 of them were fixed and got back on the road. How many are left at the garage?

Can you draw this with pictures to represent what happened?


If your children are showing a good understanding of the amount of objects becoming less and decreasing you could explore a tricky concept- what happens when you subtract zero? Include this in a story as you have been doing e.g. there were six  teddies dancing at the party. Zero teddies went to get some cake. How many teddies are still dancing at the party? Discuss what is happening in this scenario.




We will continue practising subtraction today. You could watch the numberblocks episode ‘10 green bottles’


There is alot of vocabulary including in mathematical concepts. You can use these different words with the children to help them understand that many different terms are used e.g. subtract, take away, minus, fewer, less, decrease, how many left?


As you did yesterday use some objects to tell subtraction stories. 

See if you can record these with pictures or a number sentence. We aim for the children to use the vocabulary involved in this so they may say the words “6 take away 3 leaves/equals 3” Some children may wish to start using the signs and these are shown in the numberblocks episode. However we prefer the children to have a strong understanding of what is actually happening as they manipulate numbers rather than using these. Please try to gauge your child’s understanding as you play with subtraction with them. 


For today’s tricky concept we would like to consider exploring taking away the whole amount.  For example make up a story; 8 cows were in the barn. 8 cows went out into the field. How many are left in the barn? 8 take away 8….what has happened?


Bank Holiday :-)

Learning Journey


Do you have a marble run at home?

You could give this a try and combine it with water!


Design and make a pair of glasses for the giant from Jim and the beanstalk. You could use paper or straws or whatever you can find at home.


With your family see if you can go on a rainbow nature hunt - either in your garden or on a walk. 


Bank Holiday :-)

Other Learning

This week have a go at Number 18- Dance!

You could do the Hokey Kokey  or choose any of your favourite songs to dance to. ‘Happy’ and ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ are always popular in school. Your parents may be able to teach you some new routines to ‘YMCA’ ‘Macarena’ or ‘Thriller’

Let us know what are your favourites. 

In Mrs Pontefract’s house we have The Greatest Showman soundtrack on regularly!