Home learning for Year 2 - Woodpeckers 

Week Beginning 27th April

Please share your learning with me, by sending to sm@harlandsprimary.org 

Dear Woodpeckers Parents and Children

I hope you enjoyed last week’s work. Again, this week the idea is to do a lesson of Maths and a lesson of English each day to help with the routine of learning, to do the ‘frequently’ section a few times a week and then to do other Learning Journey and Science lessons when the mood is right across the week. 

Good luck, shipmates!

From Captain May!


●       Practice this week’s spellings using the type of activities we usually do in our spelling journals

●       read, read, read

●       Numbots 

●       card games, board games or cookery



This week we are going to begin a new book. IT IS VITAL THAT YOU DO NOT READ BEYOND THE PARTS INDICATED so that the children can gain the most learning from this book. They are used to doing this in class and know that we will read the whole story eventually.

The book is The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle. It does not matter if you do not have a copy. I shall be providing everything needed.

Day 1: Look together at the front cover of the book – see separate document. Ask your child the following questions: What’s the book called? Who’s the author? 

Now look at the picture - there’s a lot to look at. Ask your child to tell you everything they notice. try not to prompt too much, but give them plenty of time to explore the image. Next focus on the characters. Ask who they think the characters might be. 

Now ask them to think about what the book might be about. What might happen in the story? Why do you think that? What clues can you use from the cover? 

Finally ask your child to use their ideas to predict what the story will be about by drawing or writing their thoughts. (They have done this for other books we have looked at, so should know what they need to do.)

Day 2: Look at the image from the first page (1&2) of the book. Talk with your child about what they notice. (Make sure they notice that it’s the same place, but two different times of year). Ask: Why do you think there are two people the same on the 2 parts of the image? What is their significance? Ask your child to write a description of the scene which shows things which are the same and things which are different. Encourage them to be descriptive (ie ‘There is a stripy bag with wheels in both parts of the picture.’ rather than ‘There is a bag in both parts of the picture.’)

Day 3: Spelling investigation and spellings – find out how to add the suffix ‘ful’

Day 4: Look at the next page (3&4) where we find out more about Tilda and her life. Talk together about the written words and the image. Ask your child to imagine what life is like in Dull-on-Sea – tidy, neat place, no one to play with, etc. Ask: What is Tilda hoping for? Why? (Encourage your child to re-read the text if they don’t know the answer.)

Now read the next page (5&6). Again talk together about the page. Ask: How do you think Tilda feels now a pirate boy has moved in next door? We can’t see her face, what do you think it looks like?

Ask your child to draw Tilda’s face (there’s one to either copy or print) thinking about the emotions it will show and to write about how she feels and what she might be thinking.

Day 5: Reread the story so far and the next double page (7&8). There’s a clip of me reading it (The Pirates Next Door part1), if you want to play that instead. Explore this new page about the Jolley-Rogers. Look at the writing. Talk about unfamiliar words (eg  ashore, landsick, yonder, urchin, rascal) and work out their meanings. Look closely at the illustrations. Ask: What do you notice? Who do you think they are? Why? What might they be like? Why?

Ask your child to choose their favourite character to describe and write about. (There are pictures of each of the characters to help.)

The Pirates Next Door part 1

The Pirates Next Door (part 1) by Jonny Duddle


Maths: Please use this link https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ to White Rose Home Learning  and select Year 2. This week, you can follow the week as it is designed. For each lesson there is a video to follow and questions (with answers) to complete.

Day 1: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 1 - Compare lengths

Day 2: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 2 - Order lengths

Day 3: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 3 - Four operations with length

Day 4: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 4 - Problem solving

Day 5: Summer Term Week 2 Friday Challenge

A fun challenge inspired by a similar one William did last week:



Imagine your pirate ship has been attacked but you have managed to reach a deserted island. What would you need to survive until you were rescued? Make two lists - one of things you would really like to have to help you survive and one of the things that you have to have to live.

Now watch the BBC bitesize clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zx38wmn to find out a little more about what we need to survive. Then complete the next two sections on the site.

As we already know through our science lessons, animals in nature have a habitat which provides them with everything they need. For example, a squirrel which lives in a hole in an oak tree - the oak tree gives it shelter; it eats the acorns from the oak tree; it drinks water from ponds and puddles. The squirrel takes care of itself because the habitat provides everything that it needs. But when animals are cared for by humans, they are no longer in their natural habitat. We are responsible for looking after the animals in our care, as they cannot look after themselves. We also need to care for them in other ways, to keep them happy and healthy.

Choose a pet (if you have or have had one it will be easier to choose that) and write a fact file on how to look after it. Remember to include what it needs to survive - food and drink, shelter, as well as what you need to do to keep it happy and healthy.

Learning Journey

Learning Journey: 

Last week, you became a pirate. This week I’d like you to find out about some famous pirates. 

Watch the PowerPoint: Famous Pirates and answer the quiz questions at the end about what you have learned. If you have any books about famous pirates, you might find some information in there.

Create a WANTED poster for one of the famous pirates. Look at the example for ideas. Remember to include a picture of your pirate, their name, why they are wanted, a description and a reward. You could also add a warning!

Create a treasure map: Use the treasure map making instructions or create your own. Make sure you include different landmarks to make it tricky to reach the treasure, such as mountains, forests, swamps… Don’t forget to put a red X for the treasure.