Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School
At Harlands we have an inclusive curriculum that enables every pupil to succeed and enjoy learning whatever their abilities or needs. We provide a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and is included. Our learning culture of self-motivation, challenge and high expectations means all pupils have a mind-set to achieve and fulfil their potential.
All children’s needs (including those with SEN) will be met by first quality teaching. This means that all lessons are pitched appropriately so all children learn and make progress in every lesson. The class teacher and teaching assistants take into account individual needs and differentiate activities and resources accordingly. Assessment for learning is carried out before, during and after lessons and suitable adaptations made. Children’s progress is regularly tracked and assessed and teaching adjusted to ensure all needs are met.
If a child’s progress is less than expected, the class teacher and SENCO will work together to gather evidence to assess whether the child has SEN. Support is given to pupils who at any point in their school journey require additional or a different provision to help them succeed. We use a person centred approach where pupils and parents are actively involved in all discussions and decision making from identifying needs to the best form of provision required. Pupils and parents can seek advice and support whenever needed. We are fully committed to meeting the needs of all. These children maybe on the SEND register or nationally recognised vulnerable groups such as looked after children (LAC), those that receive free school meals (PP) or English as an additional language (EAL).
The link to Harlands current SEND Information Report can be found below which gives a detailed overview of our SEND offer and provision.
SEND Inclusion Team
Caroline Brown
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
PP / LAC Lead
Forest School Teacher
Julie Hiscox
Thrive Practitioner
SEMH / Pastoral Support
Support, Guidance and Useful Links
Inclusive, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (ISEND) is a service provided by East Sussex County Council to support children and young people with SEND. They have developed a page to provide links to the local offer and facebook pages that signpost and offer resources/support to families with children with SEND:
CLASS+ works across East Sussex to support families/carers of young people with Autism/Social Communication Difficulties with home based concerns. They provide support, training and guidance for families and carers.
Or information Leaflet:
SEND Newsletter
Each month and e-newsletter is produced specifically for parents/carers of children with SEND needs. You can sign up at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKESCC/subscriber/new
i-go Card
East Sussex run a scheme for children and young people with SEND. It is a free leisure discount card for 0-25 year olds that gives reduced rates and offers to leisure and activities providers across East Sussex. Click on the link below for more information and how to register for a card.
Is a charity that gives information, support and advice to families of children and young people with SEND in Sussex and Brighton and Hove. Please see further details on the link to Amaze’s website:
Or information leaflet
School Health Service
The School Health Service can offer support in a range of health areas, physical, emotional and well-being, sleep and many more. Please see more details in the link below