Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
At Harlands we aim to deliver a broad, rich and innovative curriculum that is owned by, and distinctive to our school and its community. It is made up, in part, of the statutory National Curriculum, which provides an outline of core knowledge. However the National Curriculum is just one element in the education of our children, enhanced by wider learning opportunities to inspire, challenge and prepare them for the future.
We strive to promote the pupils’ spiritual, moral social and cultural (SMSC) development. Promoting fundamental British values is part of this. While there are many aspects of our school life and community that contribute to our SMSC provision, our ethos is at the heart and underpins the promotion of SMSC. Furthermore our school curriculum makes a positive contribution to many aspects of the childrens’ SMSC development, with the specific subjects of PSHE, Citizenship and RE making a unique contribution.
What is SMSC?
explore beliefs and experience
respect faiths, feelings and values
enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world
develop self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
use imagination and creativity
show initiative.
recognise right and wrong
respect the basis on which the law is made and applied in England
accept responsibility for behaviour
understand consequences
investigate moral and ethical issues
offer reasoned views.
appreciate diverse viewpoints
participate, volunteer and cooperate
resolve conflict
engage with the 'British values'
understand how to contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and society more widely.
appreciate cultural influences
appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system
acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England
participate in culture opportunities
understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity
acquire an appreciation of and respect for own and other cultures
further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions.
What are the British values?
1. Democracy (showing respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process)
2. The rule of law
3. Individual liberty
4. Mutual respect
5. Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs (and all protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010)
Examples of how SMSC is reinforced/embedded at Harlands:
Class rules- rights and responsibilities that go with
School council - elections, pupil voice
suggestions for improvement box
Classroom/school/playground rules
Visitors to School - including local businesses, emergency services, theatre groups, local churches
School trips - Residentials, Local churches, Safety in Action Day, Connect with the Countryside ...
Provision of a safe and secure environment with clear boundaries so children can feel supported to make choices
E-safety lessons and parental advice
Cycling proficiency
Extra curricular clubs and activities
Buddies making younger members of a community welcome