Home learning for Year 2 - Woodpeckers
Dear Woodpeckers Parents and Children
Thank you for sharing some of your lovely work with me. As ever, the idea is to do a lesson of Maths and a lesson of English each day to help with the routine of learning, to do the ‘frequently’ section a few times a week and then to do other Learning Journey and Science lessons when the mood is right across the week. I look forward to seeing what you get up to.
Good luck, shipmates!
From Captain May!
● Practice this week’s spellings using the type of activities we usually do in our spelling journals
● read, read, read
● Numbots
● card games, board games or cookery
● telling the time
Day 1: Read the opening of the story to ‘At last he reached the shore.’ (If you listen to my reading, make sure you do not go beyond this point at this stage, as the reading includes the next part which you will look at on day 4.) Look back at this part of the story and talk about what we now know about the Beast. (There are lots of direct references such as “They are very quiet creatures” and “They like…drinking tea” and some where the children may need to infer eg he is determined and brave because he keeps going even when he’s nearly caught by an octopus, trapped his foot in a giant clam and walked through the jelly fish.) Now ask your child to record their thoughts – they could use the outline image of the beast or draw their own – inside the beast they need to write words and phrases to describe what he is like and what he does, around the outside they can add words and phrases to describe him physically, what he looks like.
Day 2: Ask: What is a verb? Encourage your child to give a definition (it expresses a physical action, a mental action or state of being – so, it shows what someone is thinking or doing is a child friendly definition) and to give some examples of verbs. If they find this challenging, play a miming game where they guess the action (verb). Now look at the text only version of the story so far and identify together some of the verbs. Then talk about whether they are past or present tense. (We looked at this quite a while ago, so you could ask if it is happening now or has already happened.) Look at the sentence “A seagull rested on his head and he played with some dolphins.” Find the verbs together and change the sentence from past to present. Finally ask your child to try the past to present sheet (can be done on screen and the present version written in their book) to find verbs and change them from past to present.
Day 3: Spelling investigation and spellings – find out about some more homophones
Day 4: Read the next 5 pages of The Lonely Beast up to him staying in park and people coming to visit. Explain that this could be the end – he’s reached somewhere where he has a beautiful garden and lots of people visiting him - but it isn’t. However, for the next few pieces of work, we’re going to concentrate on this part of the story and we need to know it well. Read the whole story to this point again, or use my reading which stops at this point. Look back over the story, finding and talking about the repetitive patterns (eg the overuse of ‘and’), the different things he does, the different lands he covers and the creatures he meets. Ask your child to pretend to be the Beast as you read it again and act out the story, with your child playing the part of the Beast.
Day 5: Ask your child to retell the story so far (with your help) and re-read it, or listen to me reading if they are still not familiar with it. Now ask your child to tell you what has happened in the story as a summary rather than telling the story. (A nice but lonely Beast decides he wants to find other beasts so he goes on a journey. There are lots of perils on the way – forest, mountain, river, cliff, waterfall, cave, snowy mountains, sea and the things he comes across in the sea and a ride from whale. Finally, there’s more walking to find the city where he finds his new home.) Finally ask your child to create a story map of the journey.
Maths: This week, we’re continuing to look at position and direction.
Day 1: describing turns
Day 2: describing movement and turns
Day 3: recording movement and turns
Day 4: following directions
Day 5: giving directions
Ask your child what they remember about life cycles. If they need a prompt, we looked at various animal life cycles, but especially a cat, a hen and a butterfly. They need to know that it is a cycle because it keeps on going – adult has young, grows to adult, has young, etc. This week’s science is about plant life cycles. Look at the sunflower pictures to sort sheet – if you are able to print, you may want to cut them out so they can be moved around to form the cycle in order, if not then discuss the order they might come in. Hopefully, they will be able to work this out largely independently. Now use the Plant Life Cycle PowerPoint, which includes links to 2 bbc clips (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3wsbk7 and https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zhrb4wx), to find out more and then complete the task (there are pictures and a word bank to help).
Learning Journey
Learning Journey:
To find out more about maps this week, we are looking at map symbols. Use the Marvellous Map Symbols PowerPoint (which includes this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1--ks2-maps/zdwhpg8) to find out about different symbols and the Learning Journey tasks for this week.