Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School
The National Curriculum for Music
Music Intent
It is our intent that we make music an inspiring and enjoyable learning experience which develops the children’s musical skills and prepares them in readiness for high school. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which to develop a love of music and develop their talent as musicians, and in turn increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.
Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to understand rhythm and follow a beat through performing on a range of musical instruments. By singing songs, children learn about the structure and organisation of music. We teach them to listen and to appreciate different forms of music across different time periods, cultures and traditions. This supports children to understand the cultural capital of being open minded in their listening as well as knowledgeable about a breadth of musical genres in the world today. The children learn to appreciate how music supports other areas of the curriculum such as dance and drama.
Progression in Music
Nursery Music
Reception Music
Begin to internalise and create rhythmic patterns
Use words/phrases (these could be from songs days of week/months of year) - tap them out
Begin to internalise and create rhythmic patterns
Use words/phrases (these could be from songs days of week/months of year) - tap them out
Year 1 Music
Year 2 Music
Make up simple dance patterns – keeping in time with the pulse and including rhythms
Use voices to provide sound effects
Create long and short sounds on instruments.
Find and play by ear, phrases of well-known songs on tuned instruments
Make up three-note tunes independently
Record their own tunes - use colours instead of note names
Create songs of their own using high-middle-low pitches
Year 3 Music
Year 4 Music
Recognise and explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively
Identify how songs are structured and accompanied
Express song meanings/lyrics using voices or
Identify and control different ways instruments make sounds
Combine sounds to create textures
Create sequences of sound - musical structures which express ideas or moods using lyrics/sounds/movements- actions
Compose sequences using notated rhythms. Join sequences together to create structures of rhythmic, descriptive or dance patterns
Select and sequence pitches (limited range) to create melodic phrases. Add words to melodic phrases to create a class/group song
Year 5 Music
Year 6 Music
Create textures by combining sounds Compose music to describe images
Create music that describes two contrasting moods
Internalise sounds, then select, combine and exploit a range of different sounds to compose a sound-scape stimulated by…(topic)
Develop more complex rhythmic ideas
Devise rhythmic, melodic and harmonic accompaniments
Apply knowledge and understanding of how the combined musical elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and silence can be organised within musical structures/forms and used to communicate different moods and effects
Compose music for different occasions using appropriate musical features and devices (melody, rhythms, chords and structures)
Use standard and additional methods of notation as appropriate across a range of different contexts.
Be aware of some of the basic major scales Play from pitched notation (read music)
Show understanding of how music is produced in different ways and described through relevant established and invented notations