Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School

Internet Safety

Parents Tips

Safer Internet Day

Internet Safety Resources

Books and Videos

Emergency Bell

School Internet Rules

School Internet Rules

Never write anything that is rude or insulting. Never threaten, bully or intimidate other users. If you can't think of anything nice to say about someone, then don't say anything at all.

Don’t send lots of silly messages in emails, blogs or Forums - that is called Spamming. This includes sending chain mail, asking people to 'pass it on'.

 Don't use this for 'Chatting up' other members or anything to do with “boyfriend/girlfriend stuff”. This is for mates NOT dates!

Never give or ask for any contact details - like your surname, home address, phone number, home email, MSN messenger, Bebo, Facebook, My Spaces, Club Penguin or other similar contact information. You should not even talk about anything to do with this kind of personal information.

Keep your password a secret. NEVER give it to anyone else or ask them for theirs. Never let ANYONE ELSE use your account.

Don't give a lot of personal details about you or your family. If you do write about your family or friends, ask for their permission before you send it in. Also, don't upload personal pictures or anything that can identify you, your family or where you live.

Respect the copyright code, only upload things that you have created yourself or you have permission to use. Don't copy people's ideas without their permission. 

NEVER EVER make arrangements to meet someone from another school.

CEOP - Online Reporting

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?

Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors


We're here for you, whatever's on your mind. We'll support you. Guide you. Help you make decisions that are right for you.
Our tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration, can help you feel more in control. And you can access them in your own time, at your own pace!