Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School
A strong governing board ensures robust debate, which in turn leads to better educational outcomes for children.
The governing board exists to provide strong strategic leadership to our school, ensuring accountability for its educational and financial performance.
Our governing board consists of representatives from all the stakeholders in our school comunity; including our parent community, the Local Authority, the local community, the staff and people co-opted for their specialist skills. Governors are appointed for a four year term and all volunteer their time and skills for the benefit of our school. This structure ensures that the governing board has sufficient diversity of views, skills and experiences. All governors have equal status and governors act as one single body.
The 3 core functions of the board:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
It is the job of the governing board, working with the head teacher and senior leaders, to agree a strategic vision. The school leaders turn this strategic vision into the School Development Plan (SDP) which is implemented with the support and scrutiny of governors. Governors are asigned specific areas of the School Development Plan, conducting regular monitoring of progress on actions throughout the year.Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
Performance data
performance management
Monitoring visitsOverseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Finance Committee. Value for money etc
Insisting that the best interests of all pupils are paramount in decision-making: By making regular visits and observing the work of the school the governors gain an understanding of the pupils needs that can then be included in the school plans.
Click here to view the public list of current governors.
We have vacancies - please contact the Head Teacher via the school office: office@harlandsprimary.org
Co-Chair of Governors: Maggie Carroll & Michelle Warner
Clerk to the Governors: Mary Babington