Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School
Personal Development
What does this look like at Harlands?
Personal development is crucial to us at Harlands because it's the engine that drives our children towards a more fulfilling life. It encompasses a variety of areas that all contribute to our well-being and ability to thrive. Here's a breakdown of why it's so important:
Enhances Self-Awareness
Boosts Confidence
Strengthens Relationships
Finds Purpose and Fulfillment
Lifelong Learning
We achieve this through many different ways focusing on our core mission statement.
We provide children with a range of opportunities to ensure they are all able to achieve to their fullest potential and enable our children to...
develop their uniqueness...
Our Thrive offers a trauma-informed, whole school or setting approach to improving the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Our behaviour policy follows restorative informed practice where every child is valued and listened to.
Indivduality is encouraged through our PSHE schemes of work.
Weekly assemblies based around our vision and values.
Celebration assemblies
feel safe and secure...
be inspired to learn about the amazing world around them and develop a love of learning.
develop and love of learning and have the confidence to embrace new challenges...
Forest School
Attending sporting competitions and festivals
Learning to ride a bike
1 Night Residential trip in Year 5 to local scout camp with outdoor and adventurous activities
5 Night residential trip in Year 6 to develop new skills
Sailing in Year 2
become happy and sociable...
become expressive and creative...
become independent and enthusiastic...
are instilled with values that prepare them to become responsible members of society.
Thrive approach
Whole class Thrive informed PSHE lessons
Jigsaw PSHE lessons
Safety in Action
Speakers into school - Foodbank
Fundraising/collections for local and global needs
Litter picking when going to and from Forest School
Opportunites to attend events in the town and mix with other children from other settings.