Home learning for Year 2 - Woodpeckers 

Week Beginning 11th May

Please share your learning with me, by sending to sm@harlandsprimary.org 

Dear Woodpeckers Parents and Children

Thank you for sharing the fantastic work you have been doing over the last few weeks. Once again, this week the idea is to do a lesson of Maths and a lesson of English each day to help with the routine of learning, to do the ‘frequently’ section a few times a week and then to do other Learning Journey and Science lessons when the mood is right across the week. 

Good luck, shipmates!

From Captain May!


●       Practice this week’s spellings using the type of activities we usually do in our spelling journals

●       read, read, read

●       Numbots 

●       card games, board games or cookery

●       telling the time!



This week we are going to continue to explore The Pirates Next Door. 

Day 1:  Reread the story so far (or listen to both my readings). Ask: What do you like about the story so far? Why? What don’t you like? Why? What questions do you have about the story? What are you wondering about? What would you like to ask one of the characters? What would you like to know more about? 

Ask your child to write some of their questions about the book, checking they remember the words which questions usually begin with and the punctuation mark they need at the end.

Day 2: Read the next page (page 22). Ask: what do you think Jim Lad wants to explain? Talk about this together, encourage your child to use their knowledge of the  story so far, to think about the different characters.

Now ask, how might the story end? Discuss your child’s ideas with them. Then they could draw and/or write their prediction.

Day 3: Spelling investigation and spellings – find out how to add the suffix ‘ness

Day 4: Today’s the day to finish the book! You may want to read the whole book from the beginning to end, or just read from where we’ve got up to. Alternatively, listen to the third, or all three, of my readings. Talk about the story. Did it end how you expected? Did you like it? Why? Were there some bits you didn’t like? Why? The discussion about the book is the important thing, but if they want to do something on paper, they could draw or write about their favourite part.  

Day 5: Look back at the penultimate pair of pages, where the townsfolk received their gifts from the pirates. Talk about how their attitude changed from when they were complaining and about how appropriate each gift was for that person. Ask your child to be one of the characters - how do you feel about your gift? Ask them to write a thank you letter as that character. I have included an example letter to help them think about the things someone might write.

The Pirates Next Door part 3

The Pirates Next Door (part 3) by Jonny Duddle


Maths:  More work on time this week.

Day 1: understanding minutes and hours

Day 2: telling time to the nearest 5 minutes past

Day 3: time to the nearest 5 minutes to

Day 4: telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes to

Day 5: telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes 

A pirate maths mystery...



This week I’ve put two options, both of which are about exploring nature.

a) Scavenger hunt: How many different natural colours or textures can you all spot in your garden or on your daily walk? Make a list and see what you can find. Display your findings in a creative way.

b) Make a mini bug hotel: Can you find an old plant pot out in the garden, or an old mug you no longer use? They make brilliant bug hotels! All you have to do is fill your pot or mug with natural materials to transform it into a luxury home minibeasts will love.

Hunt around your garden (or when you go on your walk) for crackly dry leaves, twigs, hollow stems, dead grass, pine cones and bits of bark and stuff them inside. These are the perfect materials to help create warm, dry spaces that will attract different creepy crawlies. Place the pot or mug on its side (so it doesn’t fill with rain), leave it in a sheltered corner of the garden and wait for its grateful new residents to move in. Let us know what you find in your bug hotel once they move in.

Learning Journey

Learning Journey: 

Find out about pirate life on board ship by watching the PowerPoint Jobs aboard a pirate ship. Which job would you like to apply for? Why? Write a job application, telling me which job you want to apply for and why you think you would be good at it. 

Imagine there was a storm at sea. You were shipwrecked and landed on a beautiful tropical island. This week, I’d like you to create a scene - either of the beach and the ocean or of the island. Be creative - you could draw, paint, collage (with paper or material, even natural materials found on your walk) or even make it 3D. I’d love to see what you make, so don’t forget to email it to sm@harlandsprimary.org 

Have a go at Cosmic kids yoga - pirates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_0P5grVoyg