Home learning for Year 2 - Woodpeckers
Dear Woodpeckers Parents and Children
Thank you for sharing some of your lovely work with me. As ever, the idea is to do a lesson of Maths and a lesson of English each day to help with the routine of learning, to do the ‘frequently’ section a few times a week and then to do other Learning Journey and Science lessons when the mood is right across the week. I look forward to seeing what you get up to.
Good luck, shipmates!
From Captain May!
● Practice this week’s spellings using the type of activities we usually do in our spelling journals
● read, read, read
● Numbots
● card games, board games or cookery
● telling the time
Day 1: Read the end of The Lonely Beast. Talk about what has happened. Ask: did you expect the story to finish in this way? Why/why not?
Today you’re going to plan the story of the journey your beast took to reach the Lonely Beast. Think about how the Lonely Beast crossed so many different things on his journey and how this was written. Revisit his journey to the city to help. Now use a story map to plan your beast’s journey from their home to the Lonely Beast’s home. Think about all the places he might visit and all the creatures he might meet.
Day 2: This session is about collecting vocabulary to help with writing about your beast’s journey. If he crossed a desert, for example, you might collect words such as boiling hot, sandy, golden, dry and he might see a snake so you could collect words for that too, such as slither, camouflaged… Collect the words and phrases in any way you like – spider diagrams, lists… The more you have, the easier your writing will be.
Day 3: Spelling investigation and spellings –find out about words ending with the /l/ sound.
Day 4: Look back at the Lonely Beast’s journey – how it was described. Talk about the overuse of ‘and’ – what effect does it have? Can you use that in your story of your beast’s journey? Tell the story of your beast’s journey to the Lonely Beast using your story map and vocabulary collection and then write it.
Day 5: This session is a review of The Lonely Beast. We call it book talk and we firstly discuss how we feel about the book under four headings and then record it – up to you, you can do the discussion alone, or include the written recording. Use the questions to help. Likes – what do you like about the book/story and why? Dislikes – what don’t you like about the book/story and why? Puzzles – what questions do you have about why a character behaved in a certain way or why the author included a certain thing or what would you ask a character if you met them? Links – what does the story remind you of? Similar theme? Similar characters? Same author?
Maths: This week, we are going to revisit and refresh our use of calculations:
Day 1: partition to add two 2-digit numbers
Day 2: subtraction of two 2-digits, not crossing the tens boundary
Day 3: subtraction of two 2-digits, crossing the tens boundary
Day 4: addition worded problems
Day 5: subtraction worded problems
IOur pirates need to be healthy to survive their long journeys, so this week’s science is about healthy eating. Use the Healthy Eating PowerPoint to find out about being healthy and the foods we need for a balanced diet. The PowerPoint includes a link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9yycdm/articles/zxvkd2p which has information and a quiz and it explains the task. You can use the Healthy Menu Plan sheet to record the task on and the Eatwell Guide to help you.
Learning Journey
Learning Journey:
Shipmates, we need to pack a healthy lunch to take aboard our ship and we need to have a strong and waterproof container to pack it in. Use A Pirate’s Packed Lunch PowerPoint to meet Pirate Paddy and find out how to design, make and evaluate your packed lunch container.