Home learning for Reception - Wrens

Week Beginning 18th May

Dear Wrens Parents and Children,

Welcome to Week 5 of Term 5- our last week of this term!

We have planned lots more activities for you to have a go at, please do keep uploading onto Tapestry as we love seeing your smiling faces and seeing how you are getting on.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or need any support. 

Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Pratt 




This week we are not learning any new sounds but will re-cap some we did last week and will be practising reading and writing two-syllable words

Warm up by practising all the phase 3 sounds we have done  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHDDJiiS2Y0

Then practise reading all the tricky words, with a focus on the word all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY


Reading two syllable words:


Try reading these words: bedroom, penlid, toothbrush, armchair


See if you can recall all phase 3 sounds we have learnt. Watch the video of Geraline Giraffe sound ure on YouTube.



Can you put sound buttons on  the following words to help you read them? waitress, raindrop, weeping

This video explains sound buttons 



Challenge: draw a 4 box phoneme frame and segment the following words: insure, secure, manure



Play Make a Match on phonics play to practise reading Phase 3 sounds. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/3/matching-ph3w12 

Recap er at the end of words - you could watch Geraldine Giraffe again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK8_kUg3454  

See if you can write the words rocker, boxer, lighter 


Ask your parent to read out the following words: no, go, the, and, to ,I.  See if you can write them from memory.


Spelling two-syllable words


Try these words:  waiter, waiting, powder, singer, looking


Play yes/no Yeti on Phonics Bloom to practise reading sentences with Phase 3 sounds https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/list/phonics-games-phase-3




Use ‘Teach Your monster to read’ (website & app available)

Or: Oxford Owl (free sign up and access to ebooks including Biff & Chip ones)


This week’s focus story is ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’  by Eric Carle. Today please can you listen to the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFMaEVfntnM

Talk about the story with your parent. See if you can remember times when you have felt angry. Why was this? What did you do to calm down?

You could have a go at this wordsearch too. 


Bad Tempered Ladybird wordsearch.pdf


In Wrens we talk a lot about our feelings. We all feel cross sometimes, but we have to find ways to control our emotions and calm down. Talk to your parent about what makes you feel cross and write a sentence about this on the attached sheet.


I feel bad tempered when....doc


Today we are going to make a mini story book. You can use the link below or make your own.



Your story is going to be about a minibeast. It could be ‘The Bad-Tempered Spider’ or ‘The Happy Snail’ - you choose! 

Decide on the title for your book and design the front cover. Tomorrow you can make up your story.


Today you are going to write a story about a minibeast in your book. 

Think about how you will start your story, what will happen in the middle and how it will end. 

For each part draw a picture and either write the story or ask an adult to scribe it for you.



Read through the attached sheet about the lifecycle of a lady bird. 

Can you cut and stick the pictures to make the lifecycle of a ladybird or draw pictures to show it.

Ladybird Lifecycle and pictures to cut.docx


Well done to those of you playing on Numbots. Please do remember that this is designed to be played little and often, so just 5 minutes at a time four or five times a week. Each section aims for the children to develop their understanding of the concept before they move on :-)


We are going to spend our maths this week learning about time, today we will focus on the days of the week. 

The author of The Bad-Tempered Ladybird also wrote another story which I’m sure you all know- The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

Perhaps you could read this one today and look at the different days of the week. 


In school we do the date every day and we sing a days of the week song (To the tune of ‘Oh my darling, Clementine’)

“There are 7 days, there are 7 days, there are 7 days in the week, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday”


Sometimes Sunday is considered the first day of the week in stories or in rhymes. Most often Monday is known as the first day of the week. The important thing is knowing that the days of the week always continue in the same 7 day order with a new week starting on the Monday after Sunday each time. 


Discuss which days are normally “school days” and those that are the “weekend”. 


Think about “if today is Monday, what day was it yesterday? What day will it be tomorrow?”

“If today was Wednesday what day would it be tomorrow?”


Have a go at this days of the week ordering activity https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-l-2285-days-of-the-week-cut-and-stick-worksheet


As an extension you could try this activity which practises the order of yesterday, today and tomorrow. 



Days of the week cut and stick.pdf
Yesterday today and tomorrow.pdf


Today in our maths we will continue to think about time with regards to different times of the day. We use the word ‘time’ often to describe different things that happen.

For example:

Breakfast time

Time to walk to school

Time for Mummy/Daddy to go to/do some work

Snack time

Maths time

Lunch time

Story time

Home time

Dinner time

Bath time

Bed time


Think about things that you would normally be doing in the “morning” “afternoon” “Evening”


You could have a go at sequencing a school day (This is the sort of activity we would normally do together in school!) However, if you think this feels too much of a distant memory you could have a go at sequencing ‘How to make a jam sandwich’ or ‘How to brush your teeth’



Sequencing school day sheet.pdf
Sequencing school day Cards.pdf
Jam Sandwich Sequencing Activity.pdf
Clean Teeth Sequencing Activity.pdf


 This week we have been reading ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’

Have another look at the story and see what you notice about time. The story begins at 5 o’clock. If you look carefully you will see what that looks like on the small clock in the corner of the page. As the story progresses we go through every ‘o’clock’ time.


Do you have an analog clock at home that you are able to look at today? 

You could also get a clock template from twinkl to use. 

See if you can make 5 o clock on the clock. 



Look carefully at the clock. It has numbers going around the edge from 1 round to 12. Have you heard grown ups talk about ‘12 o’clock’? That’s lunchtime!


The clock has two pointy bits with arrows on the end- we call these ‘hands’ We need to look at two hands on a clock today. The shorter hand points at the number that shows you what hour or ‘o’clock’ it is, and the long hand helps to identify the minutes as it goes round the clock. 

When the long hand points straight up at the 12 it is an ‘o'clock’ time. 


Adult- demonstrate to the child a few ‘o'clock’ times e.g. 7 o'clock is breakfast time, 9 o'clock is time for school, 12 o'clock is lunchtime (We have talked about this at school) 3 o'clock is nearly hometime, 6 o'clock is bath time. 


Have a go today at making different o'clock times on your clock. Refer to the story to look at the different o’clock times. 


You will notice in the story that after we get to 5 o'clock again with the whale a few other times appear such as ‘five fifteen’ and ‘five thirty’. You may like to discuss these times with your child and talk about how the hand on the clock would be going ‘half’ or a ‘quarter’ of the way round. These are other times that we use day to do, but today we are really focussing on the o’clock so please don’t worry if this is a tricky concept.


Keep an eye on your clocks at home today, look out for when it is different ‘o’clock’ times!


You could play with some o’clock times on these games:








Let’s build on all your o’clock knowledge you learned yesterday. Revisit your clock and see if you can make some o’clock times. 

If your grown up makes some different times can you start to identify them?


Have a conversation about how the clock goes round and round, we have 7 o clock in the morning and 7 o clock in the evening! 

-If it feels appropriate for your child’s level of understanding you could refer to a 24 hour clock- your child may have seen these on the oven/microwave/tv/phone. 


If you feel your child has developed an understanding of ‘o’clock’ you could now begin to loook at ‘half-past’ times. If it is 2 o’clock and then the long minute hand ticks half way round the clock it will show you the time is ‘half past two.


Play ‘o’clock bingo’ together https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-158-o-clock-time-bingo


You could also play this game online: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling_the_time#

This game does involve matching the time on the analog clock to the digital answer, but if your child is able to tell you ‘11 o’clock’ for example then you can click their response. 

O Clock time bingo.pdf


Well done for all your work on time so far this week. 


Today let’s have a look at months of the year. Do you know what month we are in now? What is today’s date?

Do you know what month your birthday is in? What about Christmas?

Name the different months and talk about different things that happen at these times of year e.g. Mummy’s birthday / start in Year One / Fireworks night. 


With your grown up have a go at this months of the year ordering activity: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-l-5986-months-of-the-year-circle-cut-and-stick-activity-sheet


Here are some more games on time you could play:



If you become particularly confident with telling the time (this is not a requirement, only if your children are interested and keen!!) you may like to play this game, spotting o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times.


Months of the year ordering.pdf

Learning Journey


Collect some resources, perhaps petals and leaves or things from inside your house and see if you can make a collage. 

It could be a ladybird one or any other minibeast!


Can you have a go at drawing some of the characters from the Bad Tempered Ladybird story?

You could draw a ladybird, a whale,  rhino, elephant, sparrow. 


You could colour these ones in if you like:



Bad Tempered Ladybird Colouring sheet.pdf
Bad Tempered Ladybird Colouring.pdf


Today you might like to have a go at cutting out and making some stick puppets. You could make ones from the bad tempered ladybird story or you could choose another of your favourite stories. 

See if you can perform a puppet show to someone in your family.



Bad tempered ladybird stick puppets.pdf


Think about some of the minibeasts you know about already. Have a go at this game matching the description to the picture of the minibeast. I wonder if you can think of any other ways to describe each creature?


If you have any playdough at home see if you can create a minibeast using it. 



Minibeast matching game.pdf


Minibeast and habitat matching.pdf

Other Learning

This week can you have a go at number 15: Dress Up


We would love to see your favourite dressing up outfits, I wonder how many superheroes we have hiding amongst you?!