Home learning for Reception - Wrens
Week Beginning 15th June
Dear Wrens Parents and Children,
Welcome to Week 3 of Term 6. Whether you are now at home or in school we will all be working on the same activities throughout the week.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions or need any support.
Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Pratt
Phase 3 Consolidating:
Play Grab a Giggling Grapheme on Phonics Play and then play phase 3 Tricky word Trucks
Re-cap sound ar as in car Practice blending for reading on Phonics Play - Dragons Den set 1-7 plus ar
Phase 4: Blend to read these words: frog, swim, plug, snap.
Practise writing in a 4 box phoneme frame:
Notice that it can be tricky to hear that second sound- sound out carefully to segment the sounds.
Phase 3 - Practice writing High Frequency words I to the no go and
Re-cap sound or Practice segmenting words fork and cord. Then write sentence A torch is good in the dark.
Phase 4- Read these tricky words to start: have, like, it’s. Discuss the word ‘it’s’ comes from the two words ‘it is’.
Play snowball sounds.
E.g Read ‘g’ ‘gr’ ‘gree’ ‘green’ gradually adding one sound at a time.
Try this with fresh, smell and snack.
Can you play fill the blanks with these words: (Brown, clock, flag, prod, grab)
Independently write this sentence to go with the picture:
A crab crept into a crack in the rock.
Please adapt as you feel appropriate for your child. E.g. To make this easier you could try asking them to write: ‘A crab on the rock’ or ‘A crab crept onto the rock’
Phase 3: Play Flashcards time challenge with ph 3 sounds on Phonics play
Sorting between things in the kitchen and bedroom, using picture cards fork, spoon, sink, bed, lamp. Ask the children to write the words in two lists.
Phase 4: Play buried treasure
Play Fill the blanks (Spark, bring, crash, bleed, clown) If there are too many blanks you can add some letters in!
Can you independently write the sentence “I was at the pool for a swim”
Phase 3: oday’s sounds is ‘igh’
Recap with the children that this sound is a ‘trigraph’- it has three letters in it but it only makes one sound.
Demonstrate some words e.g. ‘high’ ‘light’ ‘tight’
Have a look at how many sounds there are in these words by using a phoneme frame or sound buttons.
You could play this game on Phonics Bloom
Phase 4: Learn to write the tricky words: was, you.
How quickly can you write these words: brush, growl, frown, bleep.
Phase 4 wordsearch

Phase 3:Today's sound is ‘ur’
*This is a tricky one as we learn two different ways of making the ur sound in phase three: ‘ur’ and ‘er’.
Remind the children that this ‘ur’ sound is more likely to be in the middle of a word.
Ask them to have a go writing some words e.g. ‘curl’ ‘burn’ ‘surf’
You could have a go at writing a sentence e.g. ‘The cat has fur’ ‘I went to church’
Phase 4: Play Buried treasure phase 4 on phonics play
Have a go at this seaside missing sounds activity from twinkl.

Use ‘Teach Your monster to read’ (website & app available)
Or: Oxford Owl (free sign up and access to ebooks including Biff & Chip ones)
Our story this week is ‘Spinderella’ by Julia Donaldson.
You can log onto Tapestry to watch Mrs Pontefract reading it or you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HyHOFkV-0s
Discuss the story with your grown up.
What was different about Spinderella to her brothers and sisters?
What did Spinderella LOVE?
What sport do the spiders enjoy? Why is their game not fair?
Why do you think Spinderella wants to learn about numbers?
I wonder what you would wish for if you had a Hairy (or Fairy) Godmother?
How did Spinderella solve the problem her brothers and sisters were having playing football?
This week in literacy we are going to make up our own spider stories.
Today - think of some ideas for your story.
You could plan your story on a story mountain. Talk with your grown up about your ideas for a story (beginning, middle and end) and draw pictures to show what will happen at each part.
Look at your story mountain plan to help you remember your story. Today you can write the beginning part of the story and draw a picture to go with it.
Look at your story mountain plan again to help you remember your story. Today you can write the middle part of your story and illustrate it.
Look at your story mountain plan to help you remember your story. Today you can write the end part of your story and draw a picture to go with it. If you want to make your story into a book, think of a title for your story and make yourself a front cover.
Well done to those of you playing on Numbots. Please do remember that this is designed to be played little and often, so just 5 minutes at a time four or five times a week. Each section aims for the children to develop their understanding of the concept before they move on :-)
In the Spinderella story the children count out up to 20. Can you write out the numbers to 20 on separate bits of paper and count out the numbers out loud?
Can you count backwards from 20 too?
Can you quickly recognise different numbers when your grown up shows them to you?
Can you collect 20 playmobil/lego/barbie people or plastic animals from home to help you with some counting today?
Divide them into two teams like the children do in the story. (if you prefer this could be two teams of 5)
Can you use your little people to play a pretend game of football and keep their score?
Look at these collections of football boots. How many footballers could go and play with this many boots? Can you count them in 2s to find out how many boots there are in total?
Here we have some keen football players. How many football boots will we need in total? (See if you can count in 2s)
If I have a team of 5 players how many football boots will they need? Don’t forget about their opposition, how many football boots will we need in total?
Now I’d like you to imagine you have 16 football players. How many will you put on each team?
I wonder how many football boots you would end up needing for this many players?
Let’s do some more problem solving.
Make a set of numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.
Make a set of spiders (up to 20) and cut them out.
Choose one of your flashcards. This is how many spiders are going to play football. Count them out.
e.g. 12
Now see if you share the spiders equally into two teams. Use the ‘one for me, one for you‘ method until you have no spiders left. Make sure you check you have the SAME amount of players on both teams. Repeat with all of the numbers, seeing if you can make all of the teams fair and equal.
Can you use a whole part model to split some spiders (or other objects) in to teams? (see example )
Remember to count carefully
Remember you need the same number of spiders in each team.
Remember to use the language whole and part
Do you remember this part of the story:
Draw a map of your house for a lost spider
Think where all the rooms are.
What shapes and sizes are the rooms
How will your spider know which room is which?
Can you include the garden?
Learning Journey
Watch Come Outside- spiders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ2RzDl0vvM
Or Andy’s secret hideout spiders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-u4jY8Y7L4
Alternatively you could find out some facts here:
Can you write your own fact file about spiders?

See if you can learn this song:
If i were a minibeast
Make a spider
What could you use?
How many legs either side of its body?
Can you make it a web?
Can you make it move?
Where could you look for some more ideas?
Spider web threading- hole punch around the edge of a paper plate and then thread back and forth and across
Play football
Go outside and practice kicking a ball
Can you kick it at a target?
Can you dribble your ball?
Can you use both feet?
What other games can you play with a ball?
Can you keep score?
Design a football for the spiders to play with.
You can use the sheet provided or draw your own.
What colours will you use?
Can you colour carefully?
Can you make a pattern?

Other Learning
Have a go at Number 24: Hop, Skip and Jump