Home learning for Year 1 - Sparrows 

Week Beginning 13th July

Dear Sparrows Parents and Children,

Welcome to the last week of Sparrows!

As before, please complete a lesson of Maths and English each day and do the ‘frequently’ section a few times a week. Then you can do the Learning Journey and Science lesson when the mood is right across the week. I have also included an 'Other Learning' section, in case you wanted anything extra!

I hope you are all well, if you need to contact me for help/ a chat/ any form of support please feel free to do so via email- cp@harlandsprimary.org  

Stay safe, 

Miss Pooley.


●       Practice spelling common exception words from the spelling list (attached in Other Learning - English) using the type of activities we usually do in our spelling journals

●       Practise reading common exception words using flashcards or spelling list (attached in Other Learning - English)

●       Read, read, read! If you run out of things to read, here is a link to a website where you can find free e-books http://www.magickeys.com/books/ 

●       Numbots 

●       Card games, board games or cookery


In English we will be doing our last week on 'Eliot Midnight Superhero'. Monday-Tuesday will be English based on the book. Wednesday we will be doing the end of year spelling assessment (with lots of words you would have been practising in phonics over the weeks). Thursday we will be writing about our favourite memories from this year. Please follow the PowerPoint. 

I have also included handwriting (in case your child wanted to practise our Year 1 spellings in handwriting form) and a Phase 3 and 5 phonics assessment, which we will be completing over two afternoons in school. If you do complete any of the assessments, please could the children's results be sent to my email. It doesn't matter at all what the children get, it is just to help Mrs May fill their gaps and help them catch up as a class next year :) 


This week we will be focusing on halving. I am aware we have touched on halving previously, but I think it would benefit the children to go over it again in a different way. Please follow the PowerPoint provided.

Here is a halving game you could have a go at too! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button 


This week, instead of Science, I want you to write a letter to your new teacher (Mrs May). I know she is very excited to meet you and have you in her class. You can tell her about yourself, things you like, your favourite colour, your favourite subject, etc. You could tell her your worries for next year. Anything you like! :) You can send these in by email too and I will make sure I forward them on to her.

Learning Journey

For our Learning Journey this week we will be creating some Andy Warhol style pop art. I have included an example for you to look at. We will be using superhero prints to create bright and bold repeated designs. 

Other Learning 

This section is optional. If you are looking for extra work or activities to do then you can choose any of the following files. There's some Maths consolidation tasks, English activities (not based on our core text) and some super hero themed bits too. 


I have added 6 lessons of Yoga, if you wanted to give it a go. Each lesson comes with a PowerPoint presentation, lesson plan and resources. Enjoy!