Whole School Learning  - Weekly Challenge

Week 9 & 10 - Art Recreation Challenge

Re create a famous piece of art.

You could do this in so many ways let your minds run wild and send us your pictures in the usual way.

Week 8 - Pass it on Harlands Heart Challenge

Use the template attached to make a heart.

Follow the video tutorial, then film yourself passing it on. 

All instructions in the video

Don't have a printer... don't worry just make your own heart.

Week 7 - Thank you Card - Challenge

Design and make a beautiful Thank you card and send it to someone that you think really deserves it this week.

You could send a card to your mum, dad, friend, brother, sister or someone else you may know.

Week 6 - Thank you Poster - Challenge

Week 5 - Transport Challenge

Design and make some transport that can safely carry an egg for 1 meter.

Week 4 - Book Challenge 

Think about a scene from a book you love. 

See if you can recreate that scene and send us a photo of it. You can do this on your own or with others ion your family.

You can use toys, pets or anything that helps.

You could make the scene or dress up and be in the scene!

As always please send in images to share@harlandsprimary.org and make sure you tell us which scene you have created.

Week 3 - Singing Challenge

So you remember this song from singing assembly?

The challenge this week is for you to sing this song either on your own or with others in your house. (Teachers you can try this too!)

I will then put all the singing together so that we can make a complete song with all us singing by the end of the week.

Film yourself singing and send your video to share@harlandsprimary.org and I will do the rest.

Week 2 - Monday 30th March - Designing Challenge

Wallace and Gromit have been coming up with all kinds of imaginative ways to ‘make life better’ for years. Now it’s your turn to reinvent an everyday object, making it better than before. Come up with a Cracking Idea that helps get boring jobs done quicker and better, draw it and explain how it works below. 

Click here for a blank planning form

Don't forget to share your ideas with us as well as entering the competition. 

Week 1 - Monday 23rd March - Collage Challenge

Create a collage in your house with things you can found around the house

Ideas of what to do can be found here

Don't forget to send us your pictures to via email, twitter, instagram, facebook so that we can share them with others. More info on sharing here