Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School

Ducklings Nursery

Early Years Lead Karen Pratt
Nursery Assistant Mrs Jo Cook
Nursery Assistant Miss Sherri Coltman
Nursery Assistant Miss Molly Crock
Nursery Assistant Mrs Francesca Moffett
Nursery Assistant Mrs Kelly Lobb

Ducklings Nursery

Please have a look at our School Prospectus  to get more information about our nursery.

Harlands Nursery is situated within Harlands Community Primary School. Our class is called “Ducklings”.

We take children from the age of 2 years old and you are able to book morning, lunch and afternoon sessions during term time. Our fees are £6 per hour.

Session Times are as follows:

Morning 8.45-11.45

Lunch 11.45-12.15

Afternoon 12.15-3.15.

There is also the option for Breakfast Club for children aged 3 and upwards. The club begins at 7.30am in the morning, more information can be found here.

Our Nursery teacher Mrs Pratt is supported by fantastic nursery practitioners. We believe in a child centred approach following the children’s interests whilst also delivering high quality teaching to move children effectively onto the next steps in their learning.

We run as a Foundation Stage unit, the children in the Nursery and Reception classes are able to interact and use the entire environment together. This comprises two classrooms, a workshop space, a shared area and a large garden. The children are able to decide where they would like to play and learn and can move freely between inside and outside.

We also use the school hall for our PE sessions or go out onto the school playground, fitness trail, field and forest school area.

Your child  will automatically become eligible for 15 funded hours each week from the funding period after their third birthday. Please see the information below:

Children Born Between

1st April - 31st August = September
1st September - 31st December = January
1st January - 31st March = April

Once your child becomes eligible, we will ask you to complete the necessary forms each term to enable us to claim this funding on your behalf.  

Some families will also be eligible for an additional funded 15 hours each week and some for 15 funded hours from the funding period after their child’s 2nd birthday. More information can be found here: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ 

Subject to session availability, our approach to bookings is completely flexible. Funded and fee paying hours can be used for any combination of available sessions booked.

We know that children will start nursery at various stages of toilet training. All staff are experienced in supporting children on their journey towards being fully trained. 

Please direct any further enquiries to nursery@harlands.e-sussex.sch.uk

We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and are more than happy to answer any questions you may have!