Lock Down Learning - January 2021

Lion King Adventure

The Lion King is  one of your favourite movies come to life. Not only that, it’s got life-sized puppets and an incredible cast. We’re pretty sure you’re going to love Disney’s The Lion King. Discover all the breathtaking videos from behind-the-scenes.

Microsoft Teams Meeting -------- Start here     --->

9.30am for the first adventure instructions.

1.00pm for the second adventure instructions.

9:30am Trip

1:00pm Trip

Task One Lion King Broadway 360 Experience

Task Two - Explore behind the scenes : meet the characters, explore the costumes, masks and puppets.

Task Three - Explore behind the scenes: the scenery, music and dance!

Task Four - Take part in the Lion King dance tutorial or learn to move like the animals.

LK - Activity PDF.pdf

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