Home learning for Reception - Wrens

Week Beginning 1st June

Dear Wrens Parents and Children,

This is our first week of Term 6!

Each week this term both in school and for those of you learning at home we will focus on a different book. We will look forward to seeing what you have been doing on Tapestry

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or need any support. 

Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Pratt 




This is our last week of Phase 3 phonics. 

It would be really helpful if adults could carry out some assessment of where the children are now at with certain skills as this will give us all an idea of where to take them next. 

There are many skills involved in phase 3, not just the recognition of the digraph and trigraph sounds in isolation but starting to have these memorised enough that the children spot them when they read and use them when they write. 


Today: show your child the phase 3 sounds.

Can they tell you the sound each of them makes?

Please keep a record of which are tricky and we will do some more work on these ones :-)


Phase 3 sound mat.pdf


Today we will practise your reading!

Can you read these words?

Some are real and some are made up monster words. Don’t forget to use your sound knowledge to help you. 


(Adults please keep a record of which your child can read or not read as it will help to identify sounds they may be finding tricky)



Start with some writing. Can you write these tricky words from memory: the, to, I, no, go.


Now can you read these tricky words:


Today we need to practise applying your phase 3 skills to your writing. 

Adult please can you say the word to your child and ask them to write it.

If writing is a challenge please ask them to segment or sound out for you the sounds in the word. 


toy (toi would be a good phonetical attempt at this)


week (Weec is also correct phonetically) 









Thank you for all your hard work applying your phase 3 skills this week. 

Time to play some games today and please do send into us how your child got in so that we can appropriately plan the next stage in their reading and writing. 

'‘Phonics Play’  https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ 

or ‘Phonics Bloom’ ’https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/list/phonics-games-phase-3 and practice all your phase 3 sounds and tricky words.




Use ‘Teach Your monster to read’ (website & app available)

Or: Oxford Owl (free sign up and access to ebooks including Biff & Chip ones)


Listen to the story ‘Norman the Slug with the silly shell’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4BcBtKHaO8

Discuss it with your grown up. 

Why does Norman feel left out?

What ideas does he come up with to join in with the snails?

Why don’t some of his shell ideas work?

What happens to Norman and his silly shell?

Norman believes he can do anything! I wonder what he might try to be next! 


Have a look at these pictures:

Do you think these would make good shells for Norman?

Why do you think they would or would not?

Can you write a sentence to explain why?


The pine cone is not good because….


Can you suggest anything else that is round that Norman could use for a shell? Have a look around your house for circular items. Think about buttons, cds, plates, coasters...I wonder what you will find!


Today we’re going to design a new silly shell for Norman. You could pretend to use one of the items you found around your house yesterday or come up with something new. 

Here’s a funny video with some more inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9gdZvsaKQI


Can you draw a picture of Norman with his new shell and then write a sentence underneath explaining what you have used. 

Why will this make a good shell? 

Norman SLUG.doc
Norman SLUG.doc


Today you’re going to write your own page of a story about Norman and what happens to him. Imagine he has his new shell on that you have made for him. 

In the original story his doughnut shell gets eaten by a seagull, what could happen to your shell you’ve designed?


Here is my story:


Norman had a CD as his silly shell. One day he was out in the garden when a teacher came along and thought “that will make a beautiful decoration in the tree”. She picked up the cd and hung it from the tree. Oh no!


What do you think would happen next to Norman in my story?

I look forward to reading yours!



I think Norman the slug is great character! It was a good job he was a slug after all so he could escape from that bird!

At the end of the story he suddenly thinks it might be fun to have wings when he sees all the birds flying. 

What animal do you think Norman might try to be next? How could he do it?

Can you write a sentence to explain?


E.g. Norman will get a long sock and be a snake! 


Well done to those of you playing on Numbots. Please do remember that this is designed to be played little and often, so just 5 minutes at a time four or five times a week. Each section aims for the children to develop their understanding of the concept before they move on :-)


This week we are going to be looking at Pattern in our maths. 

We have looked at this before in school but let’s have a quick refresher.

Here are some repeating patterns, the same part happens over and over again. 

It can help us to say a pattern out loud to work out what will come next. 

Can you identify what would come next in these patterns?

Can you use your toys at home to make a 2 and 3 part repeating pattern? Make sure you can identify which part repeats, and what would come next.


See if you can look out for patterns in words and stories this week. 

For example in the story “A squash and a squeeze” you will find the same phrase is repeated. 


See if you can start today by making up your own active pattern.

E.g. jump, spin around, clap, jump, spin around, clap

Touch your knees, rub your tummy, wiggle your bottom, touch your knees, rub your tummy, wiggle your bottom.

Can your family members join in with your patterns?


So far we have looked at ‘AB’ or ‘ABC’ patterns. (e.g. imagine a red, yellow, red, yellow repeating pattern where the red = A and the yellow = B)

Today we will start to look at more challenging patterns. See below some ‘AAB’ and ‘ABB’ formats. 


Can you continue these patterns? Can you make your own in these sort of formations?

You will recognise one of these is the game ‘Duck duck goose’ .

You can also find a similar pattern if you listen to the song ‘We will Rock you’ by Queen. Can you join in with this clapping and dancing pattern?


When you make your own make sure you do the repeat at least three times. 


Here are some challenging repeating patterns. Look carefully, what will come next?



Can you make a pattern on the attached snail outline?


You may even like to have a go at making one that looks like a rainbow.


snail to colour.docx


Today we need your grown up to start by making some patterns and you are going to try and spot the mistakes!


Can you correct the mistakes in the patterns and describe what they should look like? E.g. “It goes yellow leaf, red leaf, red leaf, yellow leaf, red leaf, red leaf”


You could try making some patterns today using nature or using fruit perhaps. 


This is quite a challenge: can you have a go at drawing or using letters of symbols to represent your pattern?

For example the leaf pattern we looked at could be described at y, r, r, y, r, r, y, r, r to identify the colours used. 


If your pattern was the duck duck goose pattern perhaps you would write d, d, g, d, d, g, d, d, g

You could also use colours and draw different coloured dots. 


Have a look at this pattern again:

Can you choose something at home (toys/sticks/leaves/ cutlery) to represent this pattern?


Can you do the same with this one?

Decide which item will represent each part of the pattern. 

Learning Journey



See if you can make a Norman the slug of your own- use a paper plate to or circular card/paper to design him a shell. 


Have a look at this powerpoint about the differences between snails and slugs. 


Can you write a list comparing the similarities and differences between them?

All About slugs and snails.ppt
Slugs and snails comparison.doc


Wow look at this piece of art work. It is called The Snail by Henri Matisse and is on display in an art gallery in London called The Tate Modern. 

Maybe you will get a chance to visit it some day. 


I wonder if you can make your own snail in this style? You could consider finding different materials that might make a ‘shiny’ or a ‘not shiny’ version?


Can you perform your own Dancing Slugs dance? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn_homK-hds 

Other Learning

I think lots of you have been doing this one anyway but lets look at Number 47: Bake something!

What will it be? I look forward to seeing and bet it will be delicious!