Home learning for Year 3 - Owls
Home learning for Year 3 - Owls
Google Classroom
Google Classroom
Work from 20th April can be found on Google Classroom.
Log into your your school emails and then click on Google classroom https://classroom.google.com/
If you need to reset your password email password@harlandsprimary.org
Below is Work for weeks one & two (Week Beginning 23rd & 30th March)
Below is Work for weeks one & two (Week Beginning 23rd & 30th March)
Whilst it is difficult to get into school at the moment it would be really good if you could work through some of the following work.
Whilst it is difficult to get into school at the moment it would be really good if you could work through some of the following work.
Things that should be completed everyday
Timestable Practice
Also attached are activities to support your learning. All work can be completed in the exercise books provided by the school.
Thanks Mrs Morrall

Reading Books
Reading Books
Reading E Books for Free using East Sussex Library
Login with Username 6197704 Pin 7704
Login with Username 6197704 Pin 7704
Research magnetic board games.Design and build your own magnetic board game
Learning Journey
Learning Journey
Plan a journey to somewhere in the UK.
Think about the following:
How would you get there?What transport would you take?How long would it take?What would you do when you get there?
Think about the following:
How would you get there?What transport would you take?How long would it take?What would you do when you get there?
Times Tables
Times Tables