Home learning for Reception - Wrens
Week Beginning 11th May
Dear Wrens Parents and Children,
Welcome to Week 4 of Term 5.
We are loving seeing what you have been up to on Tapestry, thank you so much for sharing your photos of you playing and learning with us!
Please do get in touch if you need any help or support via email, the online live chat or through Tapestry.
As always: stay safe and well, and most importantly; have fun!
Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Pratt
This week we will be looking at various trigraphs. A trigraph is 3 letters making one sound. They are quite tricky to spot in words so don’t worry if your child struggles at first.
Watch Geraldine giraffe on youtube introducing the ear sound.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EneZ1UubxSA
Using a phoneme frame see if you can segment and spell these words: dear, fear, hear.
Your phoneme frame will have 2 boxes.
Try to write the sentence I can hear an owl hoot at night.
Recall all phase 3 sounds done so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHDDJiiS2Y0
Today's sound is er in the middle of words. Say the sound and explain that it sometimes comes in the middle of a word but it is also often found at the end.
Write the words herd, fern and her on a piece of paper. Can the children spot the er sound and underline it? Can they try to read the words?
Play Buried treasure on phonics play to re-cap sounds learnt.
Read through the phase 3 tricky words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY
Today we are looking at er at the end of words. Watch Geraldine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK8_kUg3454
Show the children the following words: hammer, farmer, boxer.
Can they find the er sound at the end of the word?
Write the following words for the children: lighter, rocker, better, harder, corner. Ask the children to put the sound buttons on the words (we have done this in class) and then try to read them.
E.g. rocker
This video explains sound buttons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pbImXbGOxw
Ask the children to see if they can write the following words from memory: no, go, and, the, to and I
Today's sound is the trigraph air.
Using a phoneme frame see if you can segment and spell these words: hair, fair, pair
Your phoneme frame will have 2 boxes.
Recap Phase 3 sounds. You could play this game on Phonics Bloom: https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/flash-cards?phase=3
Today’s trigraph is ure as in the word cure - it's a difficult one!
Ask an adult to write these words and see if you can put the sound buttons on and read them -pure,cure, secure, manure
Can you practise writing some of your keywords? See if you can remember some of these from memory.
Play a phonics game using the sounds we have learned this week. On the buried treasure game on Phonics Play you can select phase 3 and then the specific sound e.g. + igh to use in the game.
Challenging spelling game: https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/alien-escape?phase=3
Use ‘Teach Your monster to read’ (website & app available)
Or: Oxford Owl (free sign up and access to ebooks including Biff & Chip ones)
This week our book focus will be ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson. Firstly focus on the front cover. What does the front cover tell us? Can you identify the author, illustrator and the title? What do you think the ladybird heard? Now listen to the story.
Can you practise the last two one armed robot letters today: 'k' and 'p'
Can you make a list of all the animals in the story? Remember that a list goes down the page one word under another
Try to think of the sounds in the words yourself.
Handwriting: Today can you practise the zigzag monster letters.
Start with 'v' and 'w' today.
Make sure you start in the right place, it can be quite tricky to draw a diagonal line.
Look at What the Ladybird Heard again to remind you of what happened in the story.
Then see if you can retell the story. Either use your toys - little people and animals - or make puppets and use them to retell what happened.
Today can you practise the final two letters! 'x' and 'z'
These are zigzag monster letters so try hard with those diagonal lines.
Draw a map of the farmyard in the story. Here are some ideas:
Think about the two bad men in the story and make a wanted poster for either Hefty Hugh or Lanky Len.Draw their picture and describe what they look like.
Well done to those of you playing on Numbots. Please do remember that this is designed to be played little and often, so just 5 minutes at a time four or five times a week. Each section aims for the children to develop their understanding of the concept before they move on :-)
We will continue to build on our subtraction learning today.
You can use the words ‘first’ ‘then’ ‘now’ to tell stories together.
For example, first there were 5 people on the bus, then 2 people got off the bus, now there are 3 people on the bus.
Today we would like you to introduce a number line so that you can demonstrate your subtraction on this. If you have any small objects like buttons or counters these would be useful to help demonstrate in a concrete way.
You could also use a ten frame to demonstrate what happens when you subtract.
1-10 Number track: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-269-numbers-1-10-numbertrack
Ten frames on twinkl: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-2544655-blank-ten-frame-activity-sheet
Well done if you have worked on your subtraction over the last week.
Today we will start to look at addition. We will be combining groups and counting all of them to find a total.
What happens when we add? Is the amount of objects going to increase/get bigger or decrease/get smaller?
Can you collect up to 20 small objects to use for your maths today? This could be lego bricks, plastic animals, playmobil people- whatever resource your child would prefer to use!
If available you will need a way to generate numbers; this could be two dice or cards/paper with numbers on them.
Select two numbers and create two groups. Can you combine the groups and find how many you have?
REMEMBER you don’t need to start counting from one if you know how many are in your first group.
For example, if you are adding 7 and 5, you know you have 7, hold this number and count ON five more “8, 9, 10, 11, 12”
Can you say your number sentence? “7 bricks add 5 bricks makes/equals/is 12 bricks”
You may like to play on this ladybird related game online https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/ladybird-spots
Today we will be doing some more addition but we will approach it in a different way. You (or your grown up) will need to draw out some simple outline images of ladybirds that will be big enough for you to add spots onto.
Your grown up is now going to give you a problem to solve- this ladybird needs to have 8 spots. You can choose how many to put on each wing so long as the total is 8.
This could result in your finding out that 8 is equal to 3 and 5. Or 8 = 2+6. Or 8 = 7+1
Can you try with a different number? The next ladybird needs to have 11 spots. How could you represent that? Your child can choose how they would like to add the spots but it may be good to encourage a methodical approach that helps them see quickly how many they have on each wing.
You can find a worksheet on twinkl that will support this activity up to 10.

Do you remember the story format we use for our maths sometimes? We used it for our subtraction on Monday. Let’s try again today with addition.
E.g. first there were 7 animals at the pond, then 4 more animals came to join them, now there are 11 animals at the pond.
When you are telling your stories don’t forget to try to count on.
Think about ‘how many are there altogether?’
Have fun making up addition stories, you could even see if you can demonstrate it on a number track.
Today we will be doing some problem solving. Our aim today is to use groups of to 2’s to do this.
Think about the ladybird from the story- can you work out how many pairs of socks she would need? How many socks does she need in total? You may need to use some of your counting in 2's knowledge for this.
What if there are 2 ladybirds? How many pairs of socks will you need then?
You may find it helps you to draw out your ladybirds and be able to see their feet and then add socks to them!
Have a go at these other counting in 2's ladybird challenges.
You can also practise your addition using this minibeast addition colour by number from twinkl.

Learning Journey
These look fun to make! Either use Rich Tea biscuits and ice or make your own biscuits!
Basic biscuit recipe - https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/basic-biscuit-dough
When you are in your garden or on a walk - listen to all the different sounds you hear. Cars, children playing, birds singing. Draw a picture of all the different things you heard and, if you can, label it.
Look on the internet or in a book. See if you can find some facts out about Ladybirds.
You could watch these clips:
Make a ladybird out of junk/resources you have at home.
See what bugs you can find in your garden or whilst on a walk.

Other Learning
This week have a go at Number 18- Dance!
This week let’s see if we can do number 9 ‘explore bugs and minibeasts’.
I have enjoyed spotting some snails recently. What have you seen?
You could start by finding out some information: https://education.abc.net.au/home#!/media/2777423/meet-the-ladybird