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Primary & Nursery School

Governor Research & Focus Groups

Governors Focus Group - SEND

Governors Focus Group - SEND 

Special educational needs and disability practice has changed significantly at Harlands over recent years.

This focus group looked at the changes the school is facing.

We also looked at the impact of these changes on children, staff and parents and how the school is adapting its practice to meet these needs

Governors Focus Group - SDP Update January 2024

Governors Focus Group - SEF/SDP Update

The School Development Plan includes a strategic evaluation and a plan for improvement. 

It brings together, in a clear and simple way, the school's priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve.

This plan has been updated and reviewed to ensure that it is accurate and reflects the Harlands current vision and practice.

Governors Focus Group - Writing

Governors Focus Group - Writing

The aim of this focus group was to understand what is expected of children in writing by the time the leave year 6.

During this presentation the English lead explained the expectations along with how the standards are being addressed in each year group across the school.

Ofsted Preparation

Governors Focus Group - Ofsted

The aim of this focus group was to prepare Governors for Ofsted visits in the future. To ensure that Governors are aware of the framework and how the school will be judged. It also helped Governors to understand what is involved in an inspection.

Governors - School Development Plan

Governors Focus Group - SDP

The School Development Plan is a strategic plan for improvement. 

It brings together, in a clear and simple way, the school's priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve.

This plan has been formulated by all staff and Governors following an INSET day and has then been refined and pulled together by the senior leadership team and the Governors.

Governors - Reading Focus Group

Governors Focus Group - Early Reading

The first three years are the most sensitive time for brain development and over 80 % of your child's brain is formed by the age of three. Playing and talking with children is key to that brain development, and going forward, for children learning to read and write.

Parental involvement in children’s literacy positively affects their academic performance, leading to greater long term success.

Governors - Forest School Focus Group

Governors Focus Group - Forest School

“An inspirational process that offers children, regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment” O'Brien & Murray (2008).

Forest school uses observations, reflections and communication as tools to find bespoke learning outcomes It has learner led outcomes and children take ownership of their learning 

Leaders promote ‘just enough’ curiosity, inspiration and opportunity for children to find their own learning path.