Welcome to Harlands Community
Primary & Nursery School
Physical Education
The National Curriculum for Physical Education

Physical Education Intent
We offer a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils:
develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
are physically active for sustained periods of time
engage in competitive sports and activities
lead healthy, active lives
Progression in Art
Nursery Physical Education
Reception Physical Education
Shows understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges and considers and manages some risks when using equipment.
Can play in a group, extending and elaborating play ideas within the group.
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share, sometimes with the support of others.
Shows increasing control when throwing and catching a large ball
Showing increased control when catching a ball.
Shows increasing control over an object, pushing, pasting, throwing, catching, or kicking it
Keeps play going by responding to what others are saying or doing.
Runs skilfully and negotiates spaces successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles.
Explore and copy basic body actions and rhythms.
Negotiate space confidently, using appropriate strategies.
Use their bodies to respond to stories, topics, and music.
Travels with confidence and skill in a range of movements when using equipment.
Shows understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges and considers and manages some risks.
Moves freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of skilful ways.
Year 1 Physical Education
Year 2 Physical Education
Practise different skills associated with simple games (e.g. co-ordinating throwing and catching)
Change speed and direction with and without a ball
Work co-operatively in teams
Understand simple rules within a game
Run for 1 minute
Show differences in running at speed and jogging
Show a basic level of control, coordination and consistency when running
Develop the underarm throw, throwing accurately at a target
Perform the 5 basic jumps (2-2. 2-1, 1-2, 1-1 same foot, 1 to 1 landing on other foot) and combinations of them
Show control at take-off and landing
Explain what is successful or how to improve
Respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli
Copy some moves
Move confidently and safely in their own and general space using changes of speed, level and direction
Move spontaneously showing some control and co-ordination
Move with confidence when walking, hopping, jumping, landing
Move with some rhythm in the above actions
Demonstrate good balance
Move in time with music
Co-ordinate arm and leg actions (e.g. march and clap)
Interact with a partner (e.g. holding hands, swapping places, meeting and parting)
Perform gymnastic sequence with a balance, a travelling action, a jump and a roll
Teach sequence to a partner and perform together
Stand and sit “like a gymnast”
Explore the 5 basic shapes: straight/tucked/star/ straddle/pike
Balance in these shapes on large body parts: back, front, side, bottom
Explore balance on front and back so that extended arms and legs are held off the floor (arch and dish shapes respectively)
Begin to travel on hands and feet (hands flat on floor and fully extend arms)
Bunny hop (transfer weight to hands)
Begin to explore shape in the air when jumping and landing with some control (straight and star shape)
Pencil/log roll – from back to front keeping body and limbs in straight shape
Egg roll – lie on side in tucked shape, holding knees tucked into chest roll onto back and onto other side. Repeat to build up core strength
Explore different ways to use, move and send a ball (using feet - kicking, hands, different throws and bouncing, using equipment - racket, sticks)
Throw and hit a ball in different ways - high, low, fast, slow showing some control
Apply simple tactics to a game including recognising space and using it to your advantage.
React to situations to make it difficult for your opponent - moving to defend.
Show awareness of others when playing a game
Explore and practise a variety of athletic movements and apply athletic skills and techniques to a variety of activities.
Describe different ways of running and develop distance running technique.
Develop the overarm and pull throw, throwing accurately at a target.
Develop coordination and balance while exploring different running, jumping and throwing techniques.
Use different techniques to meet challenges
Explain what is successful or how to improve
Perform movement phrases using a range of different body actions and body parts - with control and accuracy
Create linked movements - combining different ways of travelling with beginnings, middles and ends
Compose short dances that express and communicate mood, ideas and feelings, varying compositional ideas
Explore, repeat and remember short dance phrases, showing control and spatial awareness
Describe phrases and expressive qualities
Work on their own and with a partner by teaching each other 2 movements to create a dance with 4 actions
Perform gymnastic sequence with more than one balance, travelling action, jump and/or roll on the floor and with apparatus
Teach sequence to a partner and perform together
Develop balance by showing good tension in the core and tension and extension in the arms and legs, hands and feet
Develop balance on front and back so that extended arms and legs are held off the floor (arch and dish shapes respectively)
Balance and use of core strength by exploring and developing use of upper body strength taking weight on hands and feet – front support (press up position) and back support (opposite) NB: ensure hands are always flat on floor and fingers point the same way as toes
Monkey walk (bent legs and extended arms)
Caterpillar walk (hips raised so legs as well as arms can be fully extended. Keep hands still while walking feet towards hands, keep feet still while walking hands away from feet until in front support position)
Explore shape in the air when jumping and landing with increasing control (straight, tuck, star shape)
Continue to develop control in different rolls
Dish roll – with extended arms and legs off the floor, roll from dish to arch shape slowly and with control
Begin forward roll (crouch in tucked shape, feet on floor, hands flat on floor in front. Keep hands and feet still, raise hips in the air to inverted ‘V’ position
Year 3 Physical Education
Year 4 Physical Education
Explore different ways to use, move and send a ball (using feet - kicking, hands, different throws and bouncing, using equipment - racket, sticks)
Throw and hit a ball in different ways - high, low, fast, slow showing some control
Apply simple tactics to a game including recognising space and using it to your advantage.
React to situations to make it difficult for your opponent - moving to defend.
Show awareness of others when playing a game
Explore and practise a variety of athletic movements and apply athletic skills and techniques to a variety of activities.
Describe different ways of running and develop distance running technique.
Develop the overarm and pull throw, throwing accurately at a target.
Develop coordination and balance while exploring different running, jumping and throwing techniques.
Use different techniques to meet challenges
Explain what is successful or how to improve
Perform movement phrases using a range of different body actions and body parts - with control and accuracy
Create linked movements - combining different ways of travelling with beginnings, middles and ends
Compose short dances that express and communicate mood, ideas and feelings, varying compositional ideas
Explore, repeat and remember short dance phrases, showing control and spatial awareness
Describe phrases and expressive qualities
Work on their own and with a partner by teaching each other 2 movements to create a dance with 4 actions
Create gymnastic sequences that meet a theme or set of conditions, showing a clear beginning, middle and end.
Work with a partner to create a sequence. From starting shape move together by e.g. travelling on hands and feet, rolling, jumping. Then move apart to finish
Explore balancing on combinations of 1/2/3/4 “points” e.g. 2 hands and 1 foot, head and 2 hands in a tucked head stand
Balance on floor and apparatus exploring which body parts are the safest to use
Develop flexibility, strength, control, technique and balance
Find different ways of using a shape, balance or travel and link them to make actions and sequences of movement.
Use a variety of rolling actions to travel on the floor and along apparatus
Travel with a partner; move away from and together on the floor and on apparatus
Begin to orientate simple maps and plans
Find way back to a base point sometimes with support
Co-operate and beginning to share roles within a group
Listen to each other’s ideas when planning a task and adapt
Understand the roles needed within the group
Recognise that some outdoor adventurous activities can be dangerous
Follow rules to keep self and others safe
With adult support, select appropriate equipment/route/people to solve a problem successfully
Practise skills in isolation and combination to apply to different sports (e.g. throwing and catching with greater accuracy)
Work well as a team in competitive games
Apply basic principles of attacking (finding a space) and defending (challenging a player in possession)
Use a range of tactics to keep possession of the ball
Continue to develop an understanding of fair play (respect team -mates and opponents)
Show control and consistency during games
Pass, shoot, hit and receive a ball with increasing accuracy and success using both their bodies and equipment
Pass in different ways e.g. high, low, fast, slow
Work together to keep a rally going
Choose different styles of running of different distances to meet the demand of a task
Begin to pace and sustain their effort over longer distances
Perform combinations of jumps e.g. hop, step, jump showing control and consistency
Show consistency, coordination and control when running, throwing and jumping
Explore different styles of throwing, e.g. pulling, pushing and slinging (to prepare for javelin, shot and discus)
Throw with greater control
Consistently hit a target with a range of implements
Set realistic targets when throwing over an increasing distance and understand that some implements will travel further than others (guidance)
Perform dances to a range of movement patterns - accurately, fluently, consistently and with control on their own and with a partner
Develop dance phrases using action/reaction, and question and answer
Demonstrate use of space – levels, directions, pathways and body shape
Demonstrate different relationships – mirroring, unison, canon, complementary & contrasting
Combine actions and maintain the quality of performance when performing at the same time as a partner
Experiment with a wide range of actions, varying and combining spatial patterns, speed, tension and continuity when working with a partner or group.
Understand and use an increasing range of simple dance vocabulary
Compare and comment on their own and other’s work -strengths and areas for improvement
Perform a gymnastic sequence with clear changes of speed, 3 different balances with 3 different ways of travelling
Create, perform and repeat a combination of actions that include changes of dynamic e.g. changes of level, speed, direction, and clarity of shape.
Explore and develop use of upper body strength taking weight on hands and feet – front support (press up position) and back support (opposite). NB: ensure hands are always flat on floor and fingers point the same way as toes
Explore balancing with a partner: facing, beside, behind and on different levels
Move in and out of balance fluently
Travel at different speeds e.g. move slowly into a balance, travel quickly before jumping
Travel in different pathways on the floor and using apparatus, explore different entry and exit points other than travelling in a straight line on apparatus
Explore leaping forward in stag jump, taking off from one foot and landing on the other (on floor and along bench controlling take-off and landing)
Add a quarter or half turn into a jump before landing
Make a twisted shape in the air and control landing by keeping body upright throughout the twisting action
Orientate simple maps and plans
Mark control points in correct position on map or plan
Find way back to a base point
Co-operate and beginning to share roles within a group
Listen to each other’s ideas when planning a task and adapt
Take responsibility for a role within the group
Follow rules to keep self and others safe
Select appropriate equipment/route/people to solve a problem successfully
Choose effective strategies and change ideas if not working
Year 5 Physical Education
Year 6 Physical Education
Develop techniques of a variety of skills to maximise team effectiveness
Use the skills e.g. of throwing and catching to gain points in competitive games (fielding)
Use tactics when attacking or defending
Apply rules of fair play to competitive games
Begin to use different skills to keep possession of the ball, thinking about moving towards goal, different positions and the use of space.
Develop control while performing skills (e.g. passing, hitting) at speed
Show a good awareness of others in game situations
Use defending principles in game situations including marking
Perform skills (e.g. passing, striking, hitting) with accuracy, confidence, control and increasing speed.
Improve consistency of shots, noticing longer rallies and directing shots to help win.
Work effectively as a team to keep possession of the ball when faced with opponents.
Choose when to dribble or pass to keep possession.
Sustain pace over longer distance – 2 minutes
Identify the main strengths of a performance of self and others
Identify parts of the performance that need to be improved
Perform a range of warm-up exercises specific to running for short and longer distances
Explain how warming up affects performance
Explain why athletics can help stamina and strength
Set realistic targets for self, of times to achieve over a short and longer distance
Demonstrate a range of jumps showing power and control and consistency at both take-off and landing
Perform relay change-overs
Set realistic targets for self, when jumping for distance or height
Continue to develop a broad range of skills and movement patterns, exploring and practising movement ideas inspired by a stimulus
Perform dance to an audience showing confidence and clarity of actions
Show coordination, control, alignment, flow of energy and strength (Technical Skills)
Develop movement using actions - travel, turn, gesture, jump, stillness
Utilise space for formation, direction, level and pathways
Use basic compositional principles when creating dances - combining movements fluently and effectively
Perform a range of movements accurately and with a sense of rhythm, clarity and confidence
Link phrases to music
Begin to show an awareness of different dance styles, traditions and aspects of their historical/social context
Understand and use dance vocabulary
Compare and evaluate their own and others’ work
Create a sequence of up to 8 elements: (e.g. a combination of asymmetrical shapes and balances and symmetrical rolling and jumping actions; changes of direction and level and show mirroring; and matching shapes and balances
Perform balances with control, showing good body tension
Mirror and match partner’s balance i.e. making same shape on a different level or in a different place
Travel in time with a partner, move away from and back to a partner
Explore symmetrical and asymmetrical balances on own and with a partner
Explore and develop control in taking some/all of a partner’s weight using counter balance (pushing against) and counter tension (pulling away from)
Perform a range of acrobatic balances with a partner on the floor and on different levels on apparatus
Perform group balances at the beginning, middle or end of a sequence. Consider how to move in and out of these balances with fluency and control
Begin to take more weight on hands when progressing bunny hop into handstand
Draw maps and plans and set trails for others to follow
Use the eight points of the compass to orientate
Begin tp plan and share roles within the group based on each other’s strengths
Adapt roles or ideas if they are not working with support
Plan strategies to solve problems/plan routes/follow trails etc.
Implement and begin to refine strategies
Explore different ways to use, move and send a ball (using feet - kicking, hands, different throws and bouncing, using equipment - racket, sticks)
Throw and hit a ball in different ways - high, low, fast, slow showing some control
Apply simple tactics to a game including recognising space and using it to your advantage.
React to situations to make it difficult for your opponent - moving to defend.
Show awareness of others when playing a game
Explore and practise a variety of athletic movements and apply athletic skills and techniques to a variety of activities.
Describe different ways of running and develop distance running technique.
Develop the overarm and pull throw, throwing accurately at a target.
Develop coordination and balance while exploring different running, jumping and throwing techniques.
Use different techniques to meet challenges
Explain what is successful or how to improve
Perform movement phrases using a range of different body actions and body parts - with control and accuracy
Create linked movements - combining different ways of travelling with beginnings, middles and ends
Compose short dances that express and communicate mood, ideas and feelings, varying compositional ideas
Explore, repeat and remember short dance phrases, showing control and spatial awareness
Describe phrases and expressive qualities
Work on their own and with a partner by teaching each other 2 movements to create a dance with 4 actions
Create gymnastic sequences that meet a theme or set of conditions, showing a clear beginning, middle and end.
Work with a partner to create a sequence. From starting shape move together by e.g. travelling on hands and feet, rolling, jumping. Then move apart to finish
Explore balancing on combinations of 1/2/3/4 “points” e.g. 2 hands and 1 foot, head and 2 hands in a tucked head stand
Balance on floor and apparatus exploring which body parts are the safest to use
Develop flexibility, strength, control, technique and balance
Find different ways of using a shape, balance or travel and link them to make actions and sequences of movement.
Use a variety of rolling actions to travel on the floor and along apparatus
Travel with a partner; move away from and together on the floor and on apparatus
Begin to orientate simple maps and plans
Find way back to a base point sometimes with support
Co-operate and beginning to share roles within a group
Listen to each other’s ideas when planning a task and adapt
Understand the roles needed within the group
Recognise that some outdoor adventurous activities can be dangerous
Follow rules to keep self and others safe
With adult support, select appropriate equipment/route/people to solve a problem successfully