Home learning for Year 2 - Woodpeckers
Home learning for Year 2 - Woodpeckers
Below is Work for weeks one & two (Week Beginning 23rd & 30th March)
Below is Work for weeks one & two (Week Beginning 23rd & 30th March)
To practice:
Lots of reading, asking questions about what they've read.
Spelling practice - spelling journals will be a reminder of what we've covered.
Writing - write letters, instructions, stories, remembering sentence structure and punctuation
Handwriting - a letter formation sheet has been sent home to aid formation.
Maths - Numbots; play board games; do some cooking; practice adding and subtracting with numbers to 100; 2s, 5s, 10s times tables.
Also attached are activities to support your learning. All work can be completed in the exercise books provided by the school.
Best wishes,
Mrs May
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