Treasure Hunt Collage
Stanley's herbivore from the Jurassic period.
Molly's diorama of the Antarctic
Imogen's Treasure map
We have been super busy at home and wanted to share some of what he’s been up to.
Cosmic Kids
Amazing art work
Her bunny joined in PE with Joe this morning because Friday is take your toy to school day!
Very large word search!
Excellent Baking!
Imogens dance collage
Fantastic work Immie
Kian wanted to share his drawing with everyone.
Great work Kian
Excellent work telling the time.
Excellent collage JJ well done.
Rebecca wanted to so Mrs Pratt and Mrs Pontefract the numberblocks she made out of play doh this morning. She did very well.
Weekly Challenge
Ellie finished collage using things she found in & around the house. This is a dog in the park on a sunny day.
Weekly Challenge
Hello, we had great fun this week making our giant Harlands collage. We went through old magazines and cut out thousands of tiny squares of the different colours we needed and then got to work sticking them all down. We decided to add a heart in the background as we love Harlands. We hope you like it! ... We love it!
Self portrait Marley
Excellent work Marley I will make sure Mrs Morrall takes a look at this.
The Medds & The Smoos
One of our Wrens have enjoyed reading The Smeds and The Smoos today, she loved the story so much she drew a picture that she wanted to share
Model of Harlands School
Great work Aiden - I can tell you have really thought about this.
Loving home learning
Thank you Harlands for supporting our home learning and providing everyone with fun and interesting projects
Self portrait Sasha
Excellent art skills Mrs Masham is very proud of you.
Otis has been having fun doing this weeks project. He made a collage of things he might see out his bedroom window.
Powerpoint Work
I hope you and your families and everyone at the school are well.
We are all ok so far (knock on wood) and some of us have more energy than others!
They know Power Point better then Clive and I!
Had to send you this presentation hey did it all themselves, we didn’t even know about it until tonight when they showed us.
A Year 1 child wanted to share his work with his teacher. We went on a walk and talked about what we could see
One of our Nursery children wanted to share his huge duple tower that he helped Daddy build. Counted the pieces and found different colours
Whole School Learning - Share my Learning
Katie’s Antartatica Habitat
We are trying with some home learning - really don’t envy you teachers! lol
We wanted to share what our afternoon project was today...
Well done Katie
Fantatsic work.
Maxs (wrens) collage
Maddisons (ducklings) collage
Very Creative!
Here are a couple of photos of a Y4 painting her pinch pot tea cup and her weekly challenge collage!!
Art work
Art work that children have made today.
I love those colourful dots and the stained glass effect works really well.
Self Portraits
Sam, Jake and Holly drew their self portraits today.
Daniel has created a new scratch game today to help practice the times tables.
Parts of a flower
Excellent work making us all proud. Showing a piece of work that he is also very proud of. He has been labelling the key parts of a plant and learning what each bit does.
Weekly Challenge
Children worked together to find different materials in the garden to use for their jungle themed artwork. They also used paints, glitter and feathers.
Weekly Challenge
Marley created a collage of his fish using button he found in our house.
Weekly Challenge
Daniel really enjoyed making his Greek style pinch pot, and creating the pattern. He's very keen to show Mrs Masham :)
Weekly Challenge
Excellent work Andrew this is a beautiful collage made from different things from your garden.
Home learning
Home learning has started picture attached of children, not sure how long it will last. We are story writing after a workout with Joe Wicks online.
I hope all are ok and staying safe.
Weekly Challenge
Many thanks to Toby for sharing this with us.
I love the forest.
Weekly Challenge
Many thanks to Holly for sharing this with us.
I love the rainbow!
Pompom Chick
I love this Alfie so bright and cheerful thanks for sharing this with us.
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**Notes in images. Check you have your parents permission to send in photos. Check what is in the back ground of photos as we won't be able to share photos or videos with any content that is inappropriate.