Home learning for Reception - Wrens
Week Beginning 29th June
Dear Wrens Parents and Children,
It is now Week 5 of Term 6. Whether you are now at home or in school we will all be working on the same activities throughout the week.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions or need any support.
Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Pratt
Phase 3 Consolidating:
We are back to practising those tricky trigraphs again this week. Today: ‘ear’
Have a go at writing these words in a 2 box phoneme frame: dear, fear, hear
Have a go at reading these word: near, year, tear, beard
Phase 3 picture and caption matching activity
Phase 4: Recap on the tricky sounds we looked at last week:
‘st’ e.g. star, stop
‘sk/sc’ e.g. scarf, skin
‘Tr’ e.g. tree, train
Today we are going to look at ‘dr’. This can sound like ‘jr’ but words don’t start with these sounds together. Remember that although the ‘dr’ almost sounds like one sound it is still two: ‘d’ and ‘r’, they are just said very close together.
Try reading the words:
Drip, drum, drop, dress
Phase 3 : Practise all your phase 3 sounds and play buried treasure on phonics play.
Can you write the sentence: I can hear an owl hoot at night.
Have a go at this one: The hammer hit the nail hard.
Phase 4: Recap yesterday's new learning- words starting with the ‘dr’ letters.
When your grown up tells you these words can you write them?
Have a go at writing this sentence: “I got a drop of drink on my dress”
Phase 3 recap: Practise writing all the tricky words you have learned so far including: no, go, and, the, to, I.
Can you read these tricky words:he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they, all are
Use the youtube video to help you
Phase 4:
Practise all the tricky words we have learned so far
These ones are phase 3 : he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they, all are.
Can you read these phase 4 ones:
Phase 4: said, so, went, from, have, like, it’s, just, some, come, there, help
Now practise writing the phase 3 tricky words from memory.
Phase 3 consolidating: Have a look at the trigraph ‘air’. In a 2 box phoneme frame write: hair, fair, pair.
Can you write the caption: She has big hair.
Have a go at : It is a pair of red socks.
Phase 4:
Let’s look at words that start with the letters ‘sp’. This could sound like ‘sb’ but words don't start with those letters together.
Have a go at reading these and sort them into real and made up words:
Speeth, spot, sparm, spoon.
Play fill the blanks: sport, spoil, spark, speck
Phase 3 consolidating: A very tricky trigraph today: ‘ure’
Read the words: pure, cure, secure, manure.
Play phase 3 picture labelling activity
Phase 4 (Phase 3 Week 4):
Try reading these words: plump, crept, crunch, craft. Read them gradually building up the sounds (snowball sounds).
Have a go at this phase 4 picture and caption matching.
Use ‘Teach Your monster to read’ (website & app available)
Or: Oxford Owl (free sign up and access to ebooks including Biff & Chip ones)
Listen to the story of There is No Dragon in this Story by Lou Carter
Make a list of all the other Fairy tale characters.
Which is your favourite fairytale and why?
Look at these pictures of the dragon from the story.
Choose one picture or more and write a sentence to describe him
What does he look like? Is he a good or bad dragon? What can we tell about the dragon or how he feels in these images?
Design your own dragon!
Use bright colours and include distinctive features.
Can you choose a name for your dragon?
Choose one of the other fairy tales mentioned in the story to sequence or make a story map of.
Choose your favourite fairytale from the book - can you rewrite it and change the ending.
Well done to those of you playing on Numbots. Please do remember that this is designed to be played little and often, so just 5 minutes at a time four or five times a week. Each section aims for the children to develop their understanding of the concept before they move on :-)
Play I count you count - to practise counting on from different starting points - the adult says 1,2, then points at the child who says 3,4 etc Then 123...456… 678. Try playing and counting backwards. Can you say one more and one less than a number?
Hide cards showing pictorial representations and numerals from 11-20 Children have to find their partner. Then arrange the numbers in order.
Draw blank numberline - where would number 1 go? Then pick different numbers for children to roughly place on numberline.
Give children a teen number and encourage them to representative in different ways - beads, stones, numicon, counters and 10 frames.
https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-2544655-blank-ten-frame-activity-sheet Take photo to record.
Practise counting to 20 and back. Draw a blank numberline on a piece of paper - where would number 9 go? Show different numbers for chn to roughly place on numberline.
Today practise writing your numbers to 20 and getting them all round the right way.
Watch episode 14 numberblocks I can count to 20 https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0006s5q/numberblocks-series-4-i-can-count-to-twenty
Hold up a teen number - child has to say one more and 1 less
Then practise counting backwards from 20 to 10.
Have the set of numerals and corresponding pictorial cards from 11-20. Adult and child choose 4 picture cards. Shuffle the numeral cards. Then turn one over. If either player has a matching picture they place the number on their card. First player to cover all wins.
Provide a collection of items. Encourage children to estimate how many first - and to arrange the items on to 10 frames as they count to help them see the full 10 and part of the next 10. Repeat with a different number of items.
Play teen number bingo . Divide an A4 piece of paper into six boxes. Children choose teen numbers from 11-20 and put one number in each box. Parent does the same. Turn a teen number card and if you have that number cover it with the card. Winner is first to cover all the numerals.
Provide a number track for you and the child from 1-20 https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-268-numbers-1-20-numbertrack
Race to 20 - Take turns to roll a dice. If you roll 5 collect the corresponding counters to fill the track. If you roll a 6 go back to the start. Winner is first to fill their track.
Learning Journey
Have a go at making a junk model dragon!
See if you can make some gingerbread men today!
Can you make the houses from the 3 little pigs ?
Jack and the Beanstalk science!
Build a zip wire to help Jack down the beanstalk, what happens if you change the gradient?
After investigating how changing the gradient of the zip wire changes the speed Jack travels down it, experiment with different types of harness and different types of string for the zip wire.
A thicker, rougher string should mean Jack travels more slowly down the wire as there’s more friction than when using a smooth wire.
Can you design a raft for the 3 billy goats gruff so they don't have to cross the bridge?
Other Learning
This week Number 49: Lie on the grass and see what’s in the sky!