Home learning for Nursery - Ducklings 5
The Ducklings team have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the wonderful things you have been up to on Tapestry over the last few weeks. It has been lovely to see all your smiling faces. Thank you.
This week we are looking at the Specific Areas of learning which are built upon development gained through the Prime areas. They include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society and will reflect individual children’s life experiences, interests and backgrounds.
Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Draper
What can you do?
Share a variety of books together
Look for words everywhere
Encourage your child to recall words they are frequently exposed to eg. their name
Talk about the name and sounds of letters
Model to your child how simple words can be broken down into sounds and blended together to make words
Notice and encourage the marks your child makes and the meanings they give to them
Model reading and writing
Support and encourage your child’s reading and writing as opportunities arise
Numbers/Shape, space and measure
What can you do?
Count everything
Involve your child in mathematical discussions or problems
Enjoy number rhymes and stories together
Talk about the shape, size and position of objects
Go on shape and number hunts
Understanding the World
People and communities/The world/Technology
What can you do?
Talk to your child about people they know: Where they live and what they do
Talk about likes and dislikes
Look at old and new photos
Talk to your child about different cultures, faiths and beliefs
Explore and talk about the world around you
Do experiments together
Allow your child to help around the house
Allow your child to use a variety of technology when appropriate
Talk about the technology you are using
Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring using media and materials/Being imaginative
What can you do?
Enjoy music and sounds together
Explore different textures and describe them
Allow your child to be creative with construction, paint, junk modelling etc.
Talk to your child about what they have created and how they went about doing it
Encourage and model story telling in play, introducing descriptive language