Home learning for Year 2 - Hedgehogs
Dear Hedgehogs Parents and Children
Thank you for the amazing work you are sending in – it’s great to know how the children are managing (and the adults – I know it’s not easy to juggle everything).
Again, this week the idea is to do a lesson of Maths and a lesson of English each day to help with the routine of learning, to do the ‘frequently’ section a few times a week and then to do other Learning Journey, Science and Computing lessons when the mood is right across the week (although, Science may make more sense if done after Learning Journey this week).
We are also re-activating the Reading Miles Scheme – on Friday, please click on this link to complete the form for how many times you have heard your child read this week.
Good luck, shipmates!
From Captain May!
● Practice this week’s spellings and common exception words using the type of activities we usually do in our spelling journals
● read, read, read (try the e-books on Oxford Owl)
● Numbots
● card games, board games or cookery
This week we are going to continue to explore The Pirates Next Door.
Day 1: Reread the book so far and include the next page (9&10) where Tilda tells her parents how she feels now a pirate boy lives next door and her parents’ reaction. Ask: How does Tilda feel? What do her parents think? How do you know? Why are some words in capital letters? What do her parents mean when they say ‘NORMAL girls and boys’?
Now read the next page (11&12) - first day at school. Ask your child to imagine that they are in Tilda’s class and in comes the pirate boy. If possible, do some role play together - you could both be children in the classroom and talk about how you feel about this strange boy. Ask: how do you feel? What if you were the pirate boy – how do you feel? What if you were Tilda - how do you feel?
Look again at the page. Discuss what the different characters may be thinking and feeling, talk about the clues in the text and in the picture (how they are looking at him, their body language). Discuss any new word meanings.
Ask your child to record the different children’s thoughts. I have provided a sheet with thought bubbles on, but you could just draw some thought bubbles on paper for your child to write in.
Day 2: Again today, I’d like the children to imagine they are characters in this book - it’s a great way to develop reading understanding and this feeds into being able to write convincing characters.
Read together the next 5 double pages(13&14 to 21&22). There’s a clip of me reading from where we got up to last time to the end of these pages (The Pirates Next Door part 2), if you want to play that instead.
This section is all about the townsfolk complaining about the pirates. Take some of the scenarios and ask your child to act out being the outraged townsfolk.
Discuss why they don’t like them. Ask: What are their fears? What do they think pirates are like? Does anyone think like Tilda and feel they’re ok? Why do you think that is? How would you feel? How would you feel if you were them?
Ask your child to imagine they live there – you are one of those people and are complaining about the Jolley-Rogers – what might you say?
Ask them to write (in a speech bubble would be good) what complaint they have. This could be based on the ones from the book or something else they think of in relation to their knowledge about pirates. There are examples from the book to help.
Day 3: Spelling investigation and spellings – continuing our exploration of vowel suffixes but looking at words with long vowel sounds (the sound is the letter name).
Day 4: Use the BBC Bitesize lesson about checking your writing makes sense: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z3pxjsg
Day 5: Look at the letter of complaint that could have been written by one of the characters. Ask: How do you know this is a letter? Encourage your child to identify as many of the features that show this is a letter as they can. There is a checklist to help if necessary.
Talk about the complaints they thought of on day 2 and ask them to write their own letter of complaint as a character from Dull-on-Sea. Again, this can be using one (or more) of the character’s from the book or something they made up on day 2. Use the checklist to help them think about their presentation of the letter and what they practised on day 4 to check their writing makes sense.
Please use this link https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/week-1-number-multiplication-and-division/ to the White Rose Home Learning for Year 2, Spring Week 1. This week we will be beginning to work on multiplication. The multiplication symbol is introduced for the first time on day 4 - PLEASE do not be tempted to use it before this lesson – it is introduced there so that they are able to understand it’s meaning. Symbols are an abstract concept which can be very challenging for children, they need to understand the concrete and pictorial representations first.
As ever, I have included the worksheets and the answers to these, so your child can have immediate feedback – it has been great to see the corrections following checking answers and the learning that can come from that. I have also included some challenge sheets to go with each day (and the answers).
This week’s science is an investigation, called Captain May’s Pirate Ship Challenge! On Science day at school, we explored floating and sinking fruit (some of which surprised us) and we have looked at some of the properties of materials in other science lessons. This investigation is to apply this knowledge and explore which materials would make the best pirate boat. (It may help if you complete the Learning Journey before this science.)
Learning Journey
Learning Journey:
The Jolley-Rogers are on land while they try to mend their ship, so for Learning Journey this week, we’re going to look at pirate ships. A pirate ship was very important to its crew.
Firstly, watch the Pirate Ship PowerPoint to find out about different pirate ships. Then try the Match Words and Meanings sheet (if you don’t want to print this you could talk about which go together) to see what you can remember.
Next use the Label the Parts of a Pirate Ship to label the ship and add what the parts are. You could draw a ship and label it if you don’t want to print this one.
Finally, try making your own pirate ship for your science investigation.
This week, use the bbc bitesize website to continue your computer science journey and find out what code is
Other ideas
Online fun grammar, punctuation and spelling challenges.
Try some of these physical activities - can you improve your time or score?