Home learning for Year 1 - Squirrels

Week Beginning 4th January 2021

Dear Squirrels Parents and Children,

Our learning journey for the next two terms is SUPERHEROES.

I will update your home learning weekly and below I will leave a brief explanation and any resources you may need.

Please complete a lesson of Maths and English each day and do the ‘frequently’ section a few times a week. Then you can do the Learning Journey and Science lesson when the mood is right across the week. I have also included an 'Other Learning' section, in case you wanted anything extra!

I hope you are all well. If you need to contact me for help/ a chat/ any form of support or just to send me pictures of your child's work, please feel free to do so via email- cp@harlandsprimary.org

Stay safe,

Miss Pooley.


Read, read, read! If you run out of things to read, here is a link to a website where you can find free e-books http://www.magickeys.com/books/

● Practice spelling common exception words from the spelling list (attached in Other Learning - English). These can be practised any way you like, some ideas are; bubble writing, rainbow coloured writing, curly writing, crazy writing, capital letters, tiny writing, etc.

● Practise reading common exception words using flashcards or spelling list (attached in Other Learning - English)

Numbots (email me if you can't remember your log in)

● Card games, board games or cookery


In English we will be starting with a short story based on three superheroes! The story is called 'Playground Rescue'.

Tuesday-Thursday will be English based on the short story. Friday will be Phonics based. Please follow the PowerPoint provided below, it will explain everything you need to know. An audio recording of the story is available here https://soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/playground/s-UJObMpzawKu

I have also included handwriting (in case your child wanted to practise our Year 1 spellings in handwriting form) and a Phase 2, 3 and 5 Phonics word mat. It is really important your child keep recapping their phonics sounds as they have only recently learnt their new sounds (phase 5).


This week we will be focusing on numbers up to 20. The children haven't gone above 10 in our main maths sessions (however, lots of them have done this independently within the learning environment activities). We have been working really hard to consolidate number and place value knowledge to 10 over the last 2 terms. The children may need a bit of extra guidance this week as it's their first go at teen numbers- good luck!

WhiteRose (the maths scheme Harlands follows, are still providing daily video lessons. I believe this will be the easiest way for you to carry out your learning at home as it takes a bit of pressure off the parents.

Please follow the link and watch one video per day, there is a worksheet provided to match each lesson.


Lesson 1: Count forwards and backwards to 20.

Lesson 2: Numbers from 11-20

Lesson 3: Tens and Ones

Lesson 4: Tens and Ones

Here is a game you could have a go at too to practise your numbers to 20 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/blast-off

I have also set some challenge cards to go with each day.


This week in Science we will be continuing learning about Materials. We are going to use everything we already know about materials to design a superhero cape! Think about what properties a cape would need... Waterproof? Light? Colourful? Thin?

What everyday material would work best?

Complete the sheet below and design your own superhero cape. You can even add a superhero logo!

Next week we will be making and evaluating our capes.

Learning Journey

For our Learning Journey this week we will be learning about countries within the UK. I have attached an explanation of the lesson below. This contains both Week 1 and Week 2.

Other Learning

This section is optional. If you are looking for extra work or activities to do then you can choose any of the following files. There's some Maths consolidation tasks, English activities (not based on our core text) and some super hero themed bits too.


I have added 6 lessons of Yoga, if you wanted to give it a go. Each lesson comes with a PowerPoint presentation, lesson plan and resources. Enjoy!

There is also some 'at home' PE plans/ activities available through this link: www.peplanning.org.uk/downloads/pe-at-home